Sidh Ghoshat Videos – Summary in English
By: Dr Karminder Singh Dhillon
Intro Outline:
I. Where and When was Sidh Gosht composed?
● Composed by Guru Nanak
● 1521 Guru Nanak returned to Kartarpur after his final travel journey
● For 18 years Guru Nanak spread his teachings in neighboring regions
● In Batala was a major Yogi Ashram called Achul where Yogis gathered for a yearly festival that takes
place in March (Shivratri Mela)
● Bani composed between March-September of 1539 (last 6 months of his life)
● Evidence: Bhai Gurdass Vars
● Guru Nanak becomes Joyti Joyt September 1539
● Sidh Gosht is 2nd to last Bani he wrote at the end of his life
● Sidh Gosht most complex Bani written by Guru Nanak for his disciples
● Japji Sahib was LAST Bani written
● Essence of Sidh Gosht is summarized in Pauree 28 & 29 of Japji Sahib
● Distillation of his primary spiritual philosophy
II. Who were the dialogue partners?
● Yogis had high status as religions group
● Highly elevated Yogis during travels (Shiva sect)
● Bhai Gurdas mentions Yogi Bhangar Nath at mela who confronts Guru Nanak and Guru responds with
showing Yogi his mindset is faulty
● Lohareepa (Son of Gorakh) & Charpat main leaders of Yogi group
● Yogis were misleading public
III. What are the Primary Questions (20)?
Structure of Sidh Gosht:
● Total Paurees 73
● Pauree 1-Intro
● Paurees 2-23 Q&As
● Paurees 24-42 Elaboration of Answers
● Paurees 43-71 Q&As
● Pauree 72- Conclusion
● Pauree 73- Prayer to God
1. What is your spirituality and what is its objective?
2. In accordance with your spirituality how does one cross the ocean of life?
3. You speak of the primacy of the Guru, How does one know that one has met a Guru?
4. Who is that entity that you call God, How does one become One with it?
5. How is it that mankind is entangled in Maya? How do we escape its clutches?
6. When we met at Sumer earlier, you appeared to have adopted renunciation, so why haven’t you
discarded family life all together?
7. How does one chew iron without teeth?
8. What is your view about creation? When there was no creation where was God? Where does the
human being come from, where does he go?
9. How does one attain enlightenment?
10. How does one live in the world and not have attachment with it?
11. How does one chew iron with teeth of wax?
12. If one stays in a house made from ice and there is a fire outside, how does one escape?
13. How does one escape evil thoughts?
14. You talk about Shabad, where does it reside?
15. What is the support of life? How is enlightenment attained?
16. You say the Shabad stills the mind, how do we attain this Shabad?
17. When there was no mind and body, where was the soul residing? When there was no chakras, where
was our breath residing?
18. Why was the world created?
19. Why is there so much suffering in the world?
20. How is the mind stilled?
IV. The Language of Sidh Gosht
● Punjabi, Arab, Persian that evolved over time and incorporated into regional language
● 64,500 words across 9 pages of SGGS
● 15 Arabic/Persian words
● Hukum is Arabic word
V. What is the Core Argument of Sidh Gosht?
● Central philosophy distilled from punjabi grammar, context, constructs, and words used in SGGS
● Layer 1- Literal, dictionary meaning translation of words
● Layer 2- The Yogi Position, Belief System (need to separate their position in Bani from Guru Nanak)
● Layer 3- Guru Nanak’s position, Sikhi, Gurmat, Message of the Bani for his Sikhs
● Use Gurbani Framework to extract meaning based on context of previous verses in SGGS
● Vendantic approaches (searching Vedic/external sources) creates endless unneccessary debates
because Sikhism is a distinct philosophy
● No contradictions in SGGS, concepts can be redefined to activate critical thinking and approach from a
different perspective
● Can get confused because Guru Nanak is recording and answering. He does not separate who is
speaking in the Bani.
Core Argument of Bani is taken from Rahao Verse:
Kya Bhaveay Sach Soocha Hoey. Sach Shabad Binn Mukat Na Koey. Rahao SGGS 938
Kya Bhaveay:
Layer 1: Kya- Why Bhaveay- wander around
Layer 2: Why renounce (the world, society, family) in search for God
Layer 3: Stay within the world, contribute to society, be a productive member of your family
Sach Soocha Hoey:
Soocha-Pure (literal) Be emancipated from trappings of life, world, material
Sach- the end result, realize God
Soocha Hoey- the process
Sach Shabad:
Sach- Connected with Truth
Shabad- divine message of the God-connecting Guru; God connecting message
Binn Mukat Na Koey:
No emancipation from the trappings of Life, World, Material
No free passage in the journey of spirituality
Kya Bhaveay Sach Soocha Hoey. Sach Shabad Binn Mukat Na Koey. Rahao SGGS 938
Translation: Renunciation is not the way to emancipate from the trappings of Life, World, Material. There can
be no emancipation without the guidance of the God connecting Guru/Shabad.
Guru Nanak’s Message: The true spiritual Journey is traversed while living within the family, society, the world,
and living the Shabad of the God-connected Guru. (Ghrist)
VI. Understanding Yogism:
● Sikhism does not criticize other faiths, principles, and beliefs nor does it seek to convert others. Can
use the teachings of Guru’s Shabad to connect you to God regardless of your spiritual path.
● Sikhi is meant to be universal and inclusive
● Guru Nanak confronted the leadership clergy (ie: making up stories, using illusions, magic, riddhi,
siddhis to install fear in laypeople)
● Criticism is around corruption of leaders that manipulate teachings for their own benefit
● God of Yogism is Shivji- God of Death
● Putting Ash on body reminds Yogi he will die one day.
● Guru Nanak says you don’t have to go to that extreme to make connection or keep reminder of death.
You can instruct your mind.
● Twelve Panths in Yogic Philosophy (Paths)- Traditions, sects, branches, schools of thought
Hetu, Paav, Daas, Ramey, Pagal, Gopal, Kanthree, Banaj, Dhavaj, Cholee, Raval, Aiyee
● Aiyee is considered to be the highest/most superior in Yogi tradition
● Many Yogis consume meat, hemp, cannabis, and liquor
● Guru Nanak says the highest path is to win over/surrender/stabilize your mind/ego. Man Jeetay Jag
Jeet from Jap Ji Sahib
● Ultimate objective of Yogism: Kaveley (stone still) no emotions to extreme
● Unmunni- state of mind (unwavering) using various techniques
● 72,000 Blood vessels in body. All originate from the Heart (place of meeting)- Lotus.
● Heart has 7,100 Vessels (Source: Kaath Upanishad)
● Source: Gyaan Sarodya: There are 3 main vessels. Left: Irra, Right: Pingla, and Centre: Sukhmana
(goes to brain)
● Philosophy behind Pranayama (yogic breathing)
● Sukhmana goes to Dasam Dwaar (10th Door)
● Yogic Belief: Soul travels through Sukhmana vessel at time of death for soul to leave the body.
● Vessels must be maintained and kept clean, flowing
● Yogic Philosophy: Control life and death by controlling vessels
Eight Principles of Yogism:
I. Yum- Limitations for Social Behavior. 10 Basic Yums
1. Ahinsa- refrain from causing pain to other life
2. Sat- Commitment to Truth
3. Astey- Refusal to take what belongs to others
4. Bhramacharaj- Sexual Abstinence
5. Khima- Equality of praise and criticism (being unaffected)
6. Dhriti/Dheeraj- Equality of Happiness and Sorrow (being unaffected)
7. Daya- Equality between friend and foe (being unaffected)
8. Arjuv/Saadgee- Simplicity in life
9. Niriobhataa- Refrain from greed
10. Sauch- Internal and external purity
II. Niyam- Limitation on Self for inner peace. 10 Basic Niyams
1. Tup- Withstanding physical extremes
2. Santokh- Contentment
3. Astikta- Accept the existence of God
● Opposite of Astikta: Nastik- No belief in Higher Being/God
4. Daan- Giving, donating
● Yogis do not earn, they beg and bring back begging bowl to collect and share within their Ashram
● In Sikhi we earn our food, we do not beg
● Concept of Langar- In Sikhi we use our earnings to share food and distribute to others/contribute to
5. Eeshwar Bhagtee- Devotion towards Lord Shiva
6. Sidhant Sarwan- Listening to spiritual discourse
7. Hree Lajja- Shame towards immorality
8. Matee Shardha- Belief, Faith
● In Yogic tradition: Blind Faith
● In Sikhi: Faith built through logic and contemplation on the Shabad
9. Jup- Chant. Repeated utterance of a selected Mantra
10. Hutee Havan- Fire sacrifices
III. Aasan. 84 in total. 10 Basic Aasan. Yogic Postures
● Father of Asans- Yogi Mahadev
● Ultimate objective: a body with 72,000 open and clean vessels and mind that is fed by an open
Sukhmana nadi.
● Awaken Kundalini
● To keep body free from ills and mind free from scatter
● Maintaining postures requires a lot of mental focus
● Start Asanas in Fall/Autumn -renewal process begins/cycle
IV. Pranayam- breathing sadhna
● Poorak- Breathing in
● Rechak-Breathing out
● Kumbhak- Holding the breath
● Asanas are done without the pranayam for beginners
● When they advance the asanas take on new form/experience when include breath/pranayam
● Objective: Unite the Praan Wayu (upper breath) with the Apaan Wayu (below the naval, lower breath)
to pull it upwards to awaken the Kundalini
V. Partriyahar- Stilling the senses
VI. Dhaarna- Fixing of the mind onto some external object
VII. Dhiaan- Unification of the mind with something
VIII. Samadhi- Mind obliterates itself and takes on the form of whatever it puts its Dhiaan on
● Aim: to acquire Ridhian Sidhian- supernatural powers
● Guru Nanak criticizes Yogi leadership: why develop powers (form of attachment) if idea is to renounce;
acquiring magical powers does not bring enlightenment to the mind. Yogis not going to use powers or
contribute to the world/help save others ie: Babbar invading India
Eight Sidhis- Magical Powers:
1. Anima- reduce yourself to size of grain
2. Grima- become invisible
3. Lagima- become weightless
4. Mahima- Make self as huge as desired
5. Prakamiya- Read the mind of others
6. Eshatar- Self-importance as desired
7. Vashatar- Control the minds of others
8. Kaam Vashyatar- Control over desire
Types of Yogism:
1. Mantar Yog- Unmun state by chanting mantras
2. Ley Yog- Unmun state by focused thought
3. Raj Yog- Unmun state by breathing techniques
4. Hath Yog- Unmun state by perfection of Asanas (yogic postures)
● In Gurbani- These powers come with spiritual attainment but Gurus did not use them or unnecessarily
display them. They give no importance to magical powers. Displaying miracles goes against the natural
process/evolution of life and is against Hukum (Will of God).
● For a Sikh: Importance is placed on Guru’s Shabad that brings Enlightenment to the mind/ego
● Anyone can become enlightened through contemplation of Shabad
Layer 1- Literal, Dictionary words, literal translation of verse
Layer 2- The Yogi position- Renounce society in search of God/ Purity attained by renunciation
Layer 3- Guru Nanak’s message, Gurmat, Sikhi position
Rahao Verse/Essence of Sidh Gosht Bani:
Kya Bhaveay Sach Soocha Hoey. Sach Shabad Binn Mukat Na Koey. Rahao SGGS 938
(Why renounce/wander around? Critique of Yogic Philosoohy not a question to Yogis)
Meaning: Renunciation is not the way to emancipate from the trappings of Life, World, Material. There can be
no emancipation without the guidance of the God connecting Guru/Shabad.
Guru Nanak’s Message: The true spiritual journey is traversed while living within the family, within God’s
creation, serving his creation, society, the world, and living/becoming the Shabad of the God-connected
Guru/Shabad. (Ghrist)
In the Sidh Gosht Bani, Guru Nanak is talking to Sikhs using the opportunity of the discourse to explain Sikh
Intro Pauree 1: Ramkali Mehala 1 Sidh Gosht Ek Ongkar Satgur Prasad.
Ramkali- Type of Raag/Composition
Mehla 1- 1st Guru – Guru Nanak
Ramkali Mehala 1- Bani Composed by Guru Nanak to be sung in Ramkali Raag
Which Bani?- Sidh Gosht
Sidh- Yogi
Gosht- Discourse, discussion, debate
Yogic Definition:
Sidh- one who has attained an “exalted” level through specified Sadhna/practice
Guru Nanak’s Definition:
Reference: Sidh Sadhak Jogee Ar Jangum Ek Sidh Jinee Dhiayea SGGS 878
Meaning: The true Siddh, the true seeker Yogi, and other Shiva sect follower is one who realizes the One God.
Sidh- The One Creator.
Gosht- Godly Union/Relationship
Being imbued in Godly virtues leads to Godly Union.
Discourse with the Sidhs pertaining to Godly Union
Ek Oangkar- One Omnipresent Akaal Purakh/Creator/God
Sat- God that is in Existence (Most important virtue)
Comes from Sanskrit: Satya-True
Gur- Guru- the one that cuts out the darkness, the enlightener
Gurbani Grammar: Sihari removes -ya (Sat-ya) and links/joins two words to create meaning
Sat (sihari) Gur- The Guru who links to God. The God connecting Guru.
Who is that Guru? Guru Nanak follows Shabad Guru Command/Order that resounds within.
Prasad- Grace/Blessings
Whose Grace/Blessings?- Shabads Blessings
Satgur Prasad- The Grace of the Guru that links to God. Can be earned and worked at
What is meant by Shabads Blessings?-
Sooch- Understanding
Mooch- Realization
Giaan- Knowing
Diaan- Enlightenment
Prasad- Becoming
Ramkali Mehala 1 Sidh Gosht Ek Ongkar Satgur Prasad
Translation : Composed in Ramkali Raag by Guru Nanak. A Discourse (with the Sidhs) pertaining to the Union
with the One Omnipresent Akaal Purakh (Ek Ongkar) who is realized through the Enlightenment of the
Pauree 1:
Sidh Sabha Kar Aasan Baithey Sant Sabha Jaikaro II
Sidh Sabha- That congregation where the discourse of God takes place
Kar Aasan Baithey- Partake/Participate with unshakable conviction and love
Sant Sabha- The Congregation (with God)
Jaikaro- Laudable, praiseworthy, worthy of Salutation
Translation: I salute the congregation where the discourse of God takes place with deep conviction,
unwavering and deep Love.
Tis Agey Rehras Hamaree Sacha Apar Aparo II
Tis Agey- That Congregation (from previous verse: Sant Sabha)
Rehras- True path, correct path, straight path taken (shortest path is straight line)
Persian- Rahe-Punjabi: raasta- path
Grammar: Sihari to combine two words together (Rehras)
Hamaree- First Person
Sacha Apar Aparo- The infinite God who is in Existence
Translation: The Congregation (where Godly discourse takes place with deep conviction and love) is my
chosen path to the Infinite God who is in the entire Existence/Creation.
Mastak Kaat Dharee Tis Agey Tan Mun Agey Deyo II
Mastak- Forehead (literal) Punjabi: Matha. My own thought process.
Kaat Dharee- Cut out and place in front of you (literal). Eliminate by offering, eliminate by placing it in the
congregation of discourse. Exchange of ideas to create change in our minds.
Tis- refers to previous subject: In this verse, refers to the Congregation
Agey- in the presence of, to the congregation
Tun, Mun- Body and Mind (Literal). Self, my existence
Deyo- Give up
Translation: I spiritualize/cleanse my thought processes through the discourse within the Godly Congregation
to which I offer my Self (my spiritual existence).
Nanak Sant Miley Sach Payeay Sehej Bhaey Jus Leyo II
Sant Miley- Merging with the Guru- Becoming the Shabad
Sach Payeay- Realize God
Sehej Bhaye- natural outcome/consequence
Jus Leyo- Praiseworthy/ obtain respect in eyes of Creator
Translation: Nanak, the natural and praiseworthy outcome of merging (becoming One) with the Shabad Guru is
Godly Realization.
Kya Bhaveay Sach Soocha Hoye. Sach Shabad Binn Mukat Na Koey II 1 II Rahao II
Kya Bhaveay-
Kya- Why
Bhaveay- wander around
Sach Soocha Hoey-
Soocha-Pure (literal) Be emancipated from trappings of life, world, material
Sach- the end result, realize God
Soocha Hoey- the process
Sach Shabad-
Sach- Connected with Truth
Shabad- divine message of the God-connecting Guru; God connecting message
Binn Mukat Na Koey- No emancipation from the trappings of Life, World, Material
No free passage in the journey of spirituality
Rahao- Contemplate
Translation: Renunciation is not the way to emancipate from the trappings of Life, World, Material. There can
be no emancipation without the guidance of the God connecting Guru/Shabad II1II Contemplate II
Guru Nanak’s Message: The true spiritual journey is traversed while living within the family, within God’s
creation, serving his creation, society, the world, and living/becoming the Shabad of the God-connected
Guru/Shabad. (Ghrist)
Pauree 2:
Kavan Tumhey Kya Nao Tumara Kaon Marag Kaon Suao II
Kavan- What, who
Tumhey- Being asked of (not asking)
Nao- Credentials/Standing/Credibility/Authority (Yogis were not asking Guru’s name, mistranslation of Nao)
Marag- Spirituality
Suao- Goals of your Spirituality (not personal goals of Guru Nanak)
Translation: They inquired of my spiritual position/standing and its objectives.
Sach Kaho Ardas Hamari Haon Sant Janaa Bal Jao II
Kaho- speak (I Realize)
Ardas Hamari- my supplication (prayer)
Sant Janaa- God seeking beings; Sant is plural form of those seeking Sat (God); Those in process of walking
the path
Janaa- humility
Bal Jao- Puts on pedestal, elevates, considers worthy of sacrifice
Translation: My spirituality is the realization of God; my supplication is to Him (Creator); its objective is to
elevate the Sikh (seeker) and transform the Self into Godliness/God’s Virtues
Keh Bais(h)o Keh Raheay Baley Keh Avho Keh Jaho II
Bais(h)o- Seat (Lit) Composed, calm, unshakable, steadyness
Raheay- stay (Lit) Where does your mind reside; what do you contemplate on? (Guru Nanak’s composure is
so calm to the Yogis)
Baley- Child (Lit) Innocent, untouched by worldliness, pure (state of mind in absolute focus before distractions
of Maya) As a spiritual concept: Holding onto God’s hand in the chaos of the carnival (world).
Avo-Javo- wandering
Translation: They inquired about spiritual composure, contemplation, purity, and detachment.
Nanak Boley Sunn Bairagi Kya Tumara Raho II 2 II
Nanak- The Yogis refer to Nanak
Boley Sunn- Speak after listening (Lit) Discourse.
Grammar: Sihari on Sunn
Bairagi- Love imbued spirituality, single focused, detaches from focusing on other things
Raho- Spiritual Path
Translation: Nanak, enlighten us (with discourse) on your love imbued spiritual path II2II
Pauree 3:
Ghat Ghat Bais Nirantar Raheay Chaley Satgur Bhaey II
Ghat Ghat Bais- God who resides in all
Nirantar- without discrimination (Nir (Punjabi:without) + Antar (Punjabi: difference))
Raheay- contemplation
Chaley- Walk the path (Lit), conduct spirituality
Satgur- God
Bhaey- In His Will/Command
Translation: I contemplate on the One who resides in all without discrimination, my spiritual path is walking in
His Will/Command.
Sehjey Aye Hukum Sidhaey Nanak Sada Rajaye II
Sehjey- Sikhi Concept: Sehej- natural process of wanting to become, becoming part of the Hukum, conduct
self within. Gurmat Sehej: absorbed within message of Shabad
Hukum (w/ Sihari)- within the Command/Will
Rajaye-Rza Within His Will (cycles)
Translation: My spirituality is to live/conduct myself within the Command, and become in tune/absorbed within
the Will of the Creator.
Asan Baisan Thir Narayan Aisee Gurmat Paye II
Asan- Still, unshakable (Lit), Gurbani Context: God is immovable, the rest of creation is in motion;
Mukam-Permanent, immovable (Asan) Reference: SGGS 64
Baisan- The one in seat of Authority. God.
Thir- The one who is permanent/forever
Narayan- God
Gurmat- In accordance with or through the (mutt- message) of the Guru. Spirituality.
Paye- Realized
Translation: Within my spirituality is the realization that God is permanently in the seat of unshakable authority.
Gurmukh Bujhey Aap Pehchaney Sache Sach Samaye II 3 II
Gurmukh- Grammar: With Sihari- from the mukh (mouth) of the Guru- Shabad, message within Gurbani
Bujhey Aap Pechaney- Realizes within one’s Self
Sache Sach Samaye- God is within the Self, One is within God
Translation: My spirituality, as contained within the Shabad brings about the realization that God is within the
Self, and the Self is within God II3II
Pauree 4:
Duniya Sagar Dutar Kaheay Kion Kar Payeay Paro II
Duniya-The world (in this context: spiritual world)
Sagar- Ocean (Lit). Vastness/Deep depth ref to virtues; Unfathomable
Dutar- Root Dus & Tar; difficult to swim, challenge to navigate
Kion Kar- Kar do something, Kion- how; How to achieve
Payeah Paro- cross over (Lit); successful
Translation: Spiritual life is a challenge to undertake/navigate; how then can one do so successfully?
Charpat Boley Audhu Nanak Deh Sacha Bicharo II
Charpat- Name of Yogi leader
Boley- says; speaks
Audhu- reference to spiritual state of mind- Detached, composed; child like- unaffected
Deh- give
Sacha- Godly; God realized
Bicharo- discourse
Translation: Charpat requested for Godly discourse on how to navigate spiritual life successfully in a
composed/detached manner (*Yogis are about detaching from the world)
Apey Akhey Apey Samhjey Tis Kya Utar Deejey II
Apey Akhey- God Himself causes one to speak/ask
Apey Samhjey- God Himself causes one to understand/know
Tis- On His behalf
Kya Utar Dejey- What answer can be given?
Translation: When one navigates spiritual life successfully, then God Himself causes one to understand one’s
questions; how can we answer on His behalf then?
Sach Kaho Tum Pargramee Tujh Kya Baisan Deejey II 4 II
Sach- God
Kaho- Speak of (Lit), contemplate Realize
Tum- you
Pargramee- one who takes one across the ocean; God
Baisan- The one in Seat of Authority, God
Deejey- give
Translation: With contemplation on God, the realization occurs that He Himself is in the Seat of Authority to
cause our spiritual life to be successful II4II
Pauree 5:
Jaisey Jul Meh Kamal Niralum Murgayee Nai Saney II
Jaisey- Just like
Kamal- Lotus- metaphor: Where does the lotus flower grow? Lotus gets its nutrients from “dirty” water.
Niralum- Nir (un) + Alum (attached)- unattached
Murgayee- Swan; idiom- water off a ducks back; duck doesn’t drown in water
Yogi says: I have to come out of water to purify myself; Nanak says: Water allows you go up and down the
river, stay above and live unaffected
Nai- River/Water
Saney- Just like
Translation: The way to successful spirituality is to be detached from the world while living in it; just like the
Lotus emerges untouched from stagnant water and the swan navigates the river
*Combined context of previous verse with context of Rahao verse to get translation.
Surt Shabad Bhav Sagar Tareay Nanak Naam Vikhaney II
Surat- (Grammar: Sihari; function of sihari is to join)- within our consciousness (join w/consciousness);
Shabad (Grammar: Sihari)- The message within the Shabad (join w/ Shabad)
Bhav Sagar- (Sagar- Ocean) contextual: the journey of spirituality; Virtues of Ocean
Tareay- transversed, undertaken successfully
Vakhaney- Realize and live out
Translation: The journey of spirituality is thus transversed in detachment by keeping the messages of the
Shabad within our consciousness in order to realize/live the virtues of God
Rahe Ekant Eko Mun Vasiya Asa Mahe Niraso II
Rahe- remains, stays
Ekaant (Grammar: Sihari)- being detached from worldliness; staying detached
Eko Munn Vasiya- Mind in single focus of the Creator
Asa- Desire
Niraso- Nir (without) + Aas (desire) – desireless
Translation: Being detached (from worldliness) is thus to remain above desire (while living in the world) and
keeping one’s mind in sole single focus of the Creator
Agum Agochar Dekh Dekhaye Nanak Ta Ka Daso II 5 II
Agum- A (Grammar: negation) + Gum (reach)- unreachable
Agochar- A (Grammar: negation) + Go (senses) + Char (reach)- beyond the reach of the senses; God is
beyond the sensory perceptions of the human being
Dekh- realizes; insight
Dekhyae- Causes to be realized
Daso-subscriber, follower
Translation: Nanak subscribes to such detachment in the realization of the Creator who is beyond the reach of
human senses (not physical) II5II
Guru Nanak’s Message: Physical detachment is not the way to realization of a Creator who is metaphysical.
Pauree 6:
Sunn Suami Ardas Hamari Pucho Sach Bicharo II
Sunn (Grammar: Sihari)- upon listening
Suami- Creator
Ardas (Grammar: Sihari)- prayer; supplication; within in my request
Hamari- my
Pucho- ask Bicharo- question – enlightens my queries; answers my questions
Translation: Upon listening to my humble prayer/request for answers, the Creator Himself enlightens me
Ros Na Keehjay Utar Deejay Kion Payeay Gur Duaro II
Ros Na Keejey- does not discriminate
Utar Deejay- providing enlightenment
Kion payeay- how to realize
Gur- Guru + Duaro- Through- Through the Guru (Shabad)
Translation: With sincere Ardas/prayer, the Creator does not discriminate in providing enlightenment on how to
realize Him through the Guru (Shabad) *The Shabad is for everyone
Eh Mun Chalto Sach Khar Baisey Nanak Naam Adharo II
Eh Mun Chalto- the wandering mind
Sach Ghar- a mind imbued with the Creator’s realization
Baisey- Stills
Naam Adharo- on the basis of Godly virtues
Translation: My wandering mind has stilled upon being imbued with the realization of Creators virtues
Apey Meil Milaye Karta Lagey Saach Pyaro II 6 II
Apey- He Himself
Meil Milaye- unites in Realization
Karta- The Creator Saach- the Creator
Pyaro- with Love
Translation: He unites in realization, all who seek the Creator in Love II6II
Pauree 7:
Hatee Batee Rahey Niraley Rukh Birakh Udeyane II
Hatee Batee- trading post (Lit) Hat- store; the world
Rukh Birakh (Grammar: Sihari)- under the trees (Lit); in the wilderness
Niraley- away
Udeyane- live, stay, make our abode
Translation: Having renounced the world (of human endeavor) the Sidhs/Yogis adopt the wilderness
Kund Mool Aharo Khayeay Audhoo Boley Gyaney II
Kund Mool- root vegetables (Lit); context: renouncing cooked meals
Aharo- meal
Khayeah- consume
Audhoo- elevated/enlightened
Boley- discourse
Gyaney- principles of yogi renunciation
Translation: Renouncing cooked meals the Sidhs/Yogis consume roots; such were discussed as the elevated
principles of Yogi/Sidh renunciation
Teerath Nayeay Sukh Ful Payeay Meil Na Lagey Kayee II
Teerath Nayeay- bathing at places of pilgrimage
Sukh Ful Payeay- (Yogi: renunciation) peace is obtained as an outcome
Meil Na Lagey- Mind is cleansed
Kayee- totally
Translation: Bathing at places of pilgrimage cleanses the mind totally and provides mental peace (Yogis)
Gorakh Poot Loharipa Boley Jog Jugat Bidh Sayee II 7 II
Gorakh Poot- Gorakh Nath’s disciple; Concept: Nadi Putar- Sound Parent- The sound motivates action
Loharipa- name of Gorakh Nath’s disciple
Boley- says
Jog- Yogi Renunciation; Nanak: Union with God
Bidh- Technique
Sayee- This is it
Translation: Gorakh Nath’s disciple Loharipa stated that such was the method and technique of renunciation in
Yogism/Sidh belief system II7II
*Loharipa questions Guru Nanak about the Yogic renunciation principle in this paragraph
Pauree 8:
Hatee Batee Neend Na Avey Par Ghar Chit Na Dolayee II
*Dolayee- In Gurmukhi script Guru wrote with 2 vowels- meaning comes from longer vowel, pronounce shorter
Hatee Batee- trade (Lit); worldly affairs
Neend Na Avey- asleep (Lit); lose one’s self
Par Ghar- Other’s house (Lit); the world
Chit- mind
Na Dolayee- unshakable; not wander
Translation: True renunciation is to stay awake while in the world and teaching the mind to become unaffected
by worldly affairs
Bin Navey Mun Teik Na Tikayee Nanak Bhookh Na Jayee II
Bin- Sans; Without
Navey- Godly Virtues; Godly presence
Mun- Mind
Teik Na Tikayee- does not still, satiate, does not provide satisfaction
Bhookh- Desire (for worldly affairs)
Na Jayee- dissipate; go away
Translation: Without acquiring Godly Virtues; the desire for worldly affairs does not dissipate; true renunciation
thus cannot happen
Haat Patun Ghar Guru Dikhayeah Sehjey Sach Vaparo II
Haat Patun; Shop and Town; the trading world
Ghar- Home (Lit); mind
Haat Patun Ghar- the mind that deals with
Guru Dikhayeay- shown by the Guru; advised and guided by the Shabad
Sehjey- Focused (naturally, acquired with ease)
Sach- God
Vaparo-trade profession (Lit); acquires and shares
Translation: The Shabad Guru guides/instructs the mind to focus (on the True trade) acquiring and sharing
Godly virtues while staying within the world
Khandut Nindra Alup Aharung Nanak Tutt Bicharo II 8 II
Khandut- Cut (Lit); does not lose one’s self in
Nindra- Sleep (Lit); losing one’s self
Alup- Lessened, controlled
Aharung- hunger for food (Lit); desire
Tutt- essence, crux
Bicharo- discourse
Translation: Desires, remaining asleep and getting lost in worldly affairs is controlled, Nanak, the essence of a
mind that hears/listens to/guided by the Shabad Guru becomes a True Renunciate II8II
Pauree 9:
Darshan Bhekh Karo Jogindra Mundra Jholee Khinthaa II
Darshan- to see (Lit) Philosophy, ideology, teachings; philosopher is known as darshanic
Bhekh- garb (Lit); adopt, accept
Jogindra- (Jog + Inder) of Raj Yoga; Concept: Inder is considered King of Heaven in Raj Yoga
Mundra- earrings
Jholee- begging outfit
Khinthaa- Yogi outfit
Translation: We adopt the philosophy of Raj Yoga whose symbols are earrings, begging outfit and an
unstiched garb (symbols of detachment)
Bareh Antur Ek Srevho Khat Darshan Ek Pantha II
Bareh Antur- From amongst the 12 sects
Ek Srevho- We adopt one
Khatt- six
Darshan- philosophy
Ek Pantha- our path (Aiyee Panth in Jap Bani)
Translation: From the 12 Yogi sects and six philosophies we have adopted this one path (Raj Yoga)
En Bidh Munn Samjhayeay Purkha Bahurr Chot Na Khayeay II
En -This
Bidh- Method
Mun Samjhayey- convince the mind
Purkha- reference to the mind
Bahur- repeated
Chot- infliction of detachment;
*They are telling Guru Nanak they have detached from everything but still they feel pain and suffering of
separation. Symbols(begging bowl; garb etc) remind them they will not suffer again when they die
Translation: The mind is convinced to avoid repeated suffering through this method of adopting detachment as
the one path
Nanak Boley Gurmukh Bhujey Jog Jugat Ev Payeay II 9 II
Nanak Boley- Guru Nanak’s discourse
Gurmukh- from the Guru’s mouth (Lit); Gurbani, Shabad
Bhujey- enlightened
Jog- Godly union
Jugat -method
Ev- this way
Payeay- realized, attained
Translation: Nanak says, the way to Godly realization is through enlightenment obtained from the Shabad II9II
Pauree 10:
Antar Shabad Nirantar Mundra Haumai Mumta Door Karee II
Antar- Within one’s mind
Shabad (Grammar: with aungkar)- noun
Nirantar- Nir + Antar (no difference, one, unified, to become)
Mundra- earrings
Haumai- That I exist
Mumta- from Mum- mine
Door Karee- alleviate
*We do not eliminate the ego (unrealistic), we finetune/master the vices, we eliminate fear of death
Translation: Becoming the Shabad within my mind and alleviating my separate identity in the process are my
Kam Krodh Ahungkar Nivarey Gur Kay Shabad So Samajh Paree II
Kam- desire for material (attachment)
Krodh- anger, frustration
Nivarey- resolves
Gur Kay Shabad (sihari)- message within the Shabad
Shabad Guru- Becoming the Shabad
So Samajh Paree- enlightenment
Translation: Becoming the Shabad enlightens one into resolving worldly attachment and the consequent anger,
frustration and ego
Khintha Jolee Bharpur Raheya Nanak Tarey Ek Haree II
Khintha Jholee- Yogi detachment symbol/beggar garb
Bharpur- full to brim (Lit) Omnipotent
Raheya- accepting (Lit); realizing
Tarey- liberates
Ek Haree- One Omnipresent God
* There is no point to detach from the world because God is in all of existence
Translation: Realizing the One God as Omnipotent and Omnipresent liberates me from attachment &
detachment; it is my Khintha and Jholee
Sacha Sahib Sachee Nayee Parkhey Gur Kee Baat Kharee II 10 II
Sacha Sahib- The Lord who is in Existence
Sachee Nayee- Virtues of the Lord
Parkhey- Test (Lit) Ascertain
Gur Kee Baat- Guru’s messages/Shabad
Kharee- honest, truthful, without doubt
Translation: The Shabad helps one ascertain without doubt that liberation from attachment comes from
realizing the virtues of the Lord who is in Existence II10II
Pauree 11:
Oondha-o Khapar Panch Bhoo Topee II
Oondha-o- turn upside down (Lit) detach
Khapar- begging bowl
Panch five
Bhoo- elements that make up matter
Topee- head gear worn by Yogis
Virtues of five elements:
Akaashi Nirlepta- Detachment of the Sky
Agnee Subhao- Evil-destroying fire
Vayu Sum- Equality of Air
Jul Seetalta- Calm of Water
Dhartee Dheeraj- forebearance/patience of earth
*Virtues are basic and foundational
Translation: Mental detachment is my begging bowl and Godly virtues my head gear
Kaan-i-aa Karhaasan Man Jaagotee II
Kaan-i-aa- body
Karhaasun- mat made of spear grass
Man- mind
Jaagotee- langotee, loin cloth
Translation: A virtue pursuing body is my straw grass mat and virtue filled mind my loin cloth
Sat Santokh Sanjam Hai Naal II
Sat- Godly
Santokh- Contentment
Sanjam- self controlled
Hai Naal- imbued, immersed
Translation: A virtue pursuing body and virtue imbued mind is one which is immersed in God, content and in
self control to enable detachment
Nanak Gurmukh Naam Samaal II 11 II
Nanak- in Nanak’s way (as opposed to the Sidh way)
Gurmukh (Sihari) – from the Guru’s mouth, Shabad, Gurbani
Naam- Godly virtues
Samaal- focus, contemplate, rooted
Translation: Nanak’s way (as opposed to Sidhs) is rooted in Godly virtues as contained in the Shabad II11I
Pauree 12:
Kavan So Guptaa Kavan So Muktaa II
Kavan- How/Why
Guptaa- Concealed (Lit); invisible, beyond fathom
Muktaa-detached; free
Translation: Why is your God beyond fathom? And in your spiritual way how does one get detached?
Kavan So Antar Baahar Jugtaa II
Kavan- How, Why
Antar- Within (Lit); In one’s mind
Baahar- Outside (Lit); in the physical sense
Jugtaa- Realized
Translation: How does one become God-realized within one’s mind and one’s senses?
Kavan So Aavai Kavan So Jaa-ay II
Kavan- How, Why
Aavai- Become Realized
Jaa-ay- Leaves (Lit), lose
Translation: How does one become God-Realized and why does one lose that realization?
Kavan So Taribhavan Rahi-aa Samaa-ay II 12 II
Kavan- How, Why
Taribhavan- 3 worlds (Lit); past, present, future
Rahi-aa- Remain
Samaa-ay- immersed, realized
Translation: How does one become realized with the Lord who exists in the past, present and future? II12II
Pauree 13:
Ghat Ghat Guptaa Gurmukh Muktaa II
Ghat Ghat- within all of creation
Guptaa- Concealed (Lit) invisible; beyond fathom
Gurmukh (Grammar: Sihari)- Guru’s mouth (Lit), Shabad, message
Muktaa- detached; free, salvation
*Answer to Q from Pauree 12
Translation: God is beyond fathom because He resides within his entire creation. In my spiritual way one
attains detachment/liberation by following the Guru’s messages within the Shabad
Antar Baahar Shabad So Jugtaa II
Kavan- How, Why
Antar- Within (Lit); In one’s mind
Baahar- Outside (Lit), in the physical
Jugtaa- Technique (for Realizing within)
Translation: One becomes God realized within one’s mind and one’s senses through the messages/advice of
the Shabad
Munmukh Binsai Aavai Jaa-ay II
Munmukh- (Grammar: Sihari)- opposite of Gurmukh (sihari); one who rejects the Guru’s advice; rejects the
Shabad’s message
Aavai- Become Realized
Jaa-ay- Become un-realized
*Overcoming dichotomy of being Realized and Un-realized (asleep)/making judgments on others (Be at
Cause); Objective is to maintain Realization in the world, state of mind
Translation: Rejecting the Shabad Guru’s message, one’s spiritual journey gets lost/destructed in the
Nanak Gurmukh Saach Samaa-aay II 13 II
Gurmukh (sihari) -from the Guru’s mouth, Shabad, Gurbani
Saach- God
Samaa-ay- Realized
Translation: Nanak, Realization of God is through the Guru’s Shabad II13II
Pauree 14:
Ki-o Kar Baadha Sarpan Khaadhaa II
Ki-o Kar- How come, Why
Baadhaa- Entangles
Sarpan- Snake (Lit); Material world
Khaadhaa- eaten (Lit), consumed; attached
Translation: Why are we (still) attached to the entanglement of the material world that we have physically
Ki-o Kar Kho-e-aa Ki-o Kar Laadhaa II
Ki-o Kar- How come, Why
Kho-e-aa- lost (Lit); not discovered
Laadhaa- found (Lit); rediscover
Translation: Why have we not found Realization (that you have found) in our renunciation, and how can we
rediscover it?
Ki-o Kar Nirmal Ki-o Kar Andhi-aaraa II
Ki-o Kar- How come, Why
Nirmal- cleansed, purified completely
Andhi-aaraa- wrong path, darkness, blindness
Translation: How can we eliminate the remnants (in Yogism: mental cleansing achieved by pilgrimage) of
attachment to material world, and why is our chosen path unenlightened?
Ih Tat Beechaarai So Guru Hamaaraa II 14 II
Ih- these
Tat- essence, truth
Beechaarai- discourses/ one who tells/shows us
So- that will be
Guru Hamaaraa (ours)- Guru acceptable to us
Translation: We will accept you as our Guru if you can discourse the essence/ truth of these above mentioned
matters II14II
Pauree 15:
Durmat Badha Sarpan Khadha II
Dur(bad)mat (mind)- Rejection of Gurmat (not evil mindedness)
Badha- entangled
Sarpan- Snake (Lit); material world
Khadha- eat (Lit); consumed, attached
Translation: Rejecting Gurmat causes attachment of/entanglement in the material world even after physical
Manmukh Kho-iaa Gurmukh Ladha II
Manmukh- a state of mind that rejects Shabad of the Guru (Gurmukh w/ sihari)
Khoi-aa- lost (Lit); Not discovered
Gurmukh- w/ Sihari- Lit from the Guru’s mouth; Shabad of the Guru
Ladha- found (Lit); rediscover
Translation: Rejecting the Shabad is the cause of not finding Realization, adopting the Shabad is the way to
rediscover it
Satgur Milai Andheyra Jaaey II
Milai- meeting (Lit); Enlightened by the Shabad
Andheyra- Darkness (Lit); Attachment caused by unenlightenment
Jaaey- Gone (Lit); removed, eliminated
Translation: The enlightenment within the Shabad will eliminate attachment to material world
Nanak Haumai Mayt Samaa-ay II 15 II
Nanak- Nanak’s discourse
Haumai- Ego, Self
Mayt- eliminate (Lit); subsume
Samaa-ay- Immerse, Realize
Translation: Nanak’s discourse is that the essence of Godly Realization is to subsume the self (mind) within the
Shabad II15II
Pauree 16:
Guru Nanak: How section for final verse of 15 (How to subsume the Self?)
Sunn Nirantar Deejai Bandh II
Sunn- Beyond sight and hearing (Lit); Without physical attributes, Creator
Nirantar- Nir + Antar- Without distance, Within, no distinction
Deejai- give (Lit) provide
Bandh- wall (Lit); support
Translation: My realization of The Creator within provided support for the self to be subsumed
Udai Na Hansaa Parhai Na Kandh II
Udai- Fly (Lit), fleeting, wander
Na- Does Not
Hansaa- White Swan (Lit); Mind (cleansed)
Parhai- suffering, destruction
Kandh- wall (Lit); Physical body
Translation: The mind stops wandering and physical suffering is resolved
Sahj Gufaa Ghar Janai Saachaa II
Sahj- Flow (Lit); Natural State
Gufaa- Cave (Lit), Abode
Ghar- Home (Lit); Mind
Janai- Know (Lit); Realize
Saacha- The Creator
* Q: Why focus on the mind vs. renouncing the physical?
Translation: Because my mind is the natural abode for the Realized Creator
Nanak Saachay Bhaavai Saacha II 16 II
Nanak- Nanak’s discourse
Saachay- God-realized mind
Bhaavai- Love
Saacha- The Creator
Translation: Nanak, the God-realized state of subsuming the self (mind) is obtained by loving the Creator within
Pauree 17:
Kis Kaaran Gareh Taji-o Udasee II
Kis Kaaran- for what reason; why
Gareh-home; (mind)
Taji-o- renounced
Udasee- sad (Lit); wandering
(*Yogis asking Guru Nanak, Context taken from Bhai Gurdas Var 1, Re: Guru Nanak’s early travels, participant
observer research, compilation from 3 meetings w/ Sidhs)
Translation: If True Renunciation is not to lose one’s self in worldly affairs while living within the world; and not
allow the mind to wander therein (P:7&8); then why did you renounce the world and wander when you met as
earlier at Gorakh Matta & Sumer?
Kis Kaaran Eh Bhaykh Nivasee II
Kis Kaaran- For what reason; why
Eh Bhaykh- this way of ours
Nivasee- stay (Lit); adopted
Translation: If True Renunciation is not to lose one’s self in worldly affairs while living within the world; and not
allow the mind to wander therein (P:7&8); then why had you adopted our way of renunciation when you met us
at Gorakh Matta & Sumer?
Kis Vakhar Kay Tum Vanjaaray II
Kis Vakhar- what merchandise (Lit); preferred/advocated/practiced way
Kay- of what
Tum- You
Vanjaaray- trader (Lit); advocate of value/spiritual
Translation: What then is your advocated spirituality?(with regards to renunciation while living in the world)
Kio Kar Saath Langhavho Paaray II 17 II
Kio Kar- In what way; how
Saath- with (Lit); adherents/followers
Langhavho Paaray- cross over the other side; spiritual success; realize the Creator
Translation: How does your advocated spirituality (with regards to renunciation while living within the world)
cause adherents to realize the Creator? II17II
Pauree 18:
Gurmukh Khojat Bha-ay Udaasee II
Gurmukh (with sihari)-from the Guru’s mind; state of mind; Shabad
Khojat- research (Lit); Study, internalize
Bha-ay- make, creates
Udaasee- renunciation (per Gurmat)
Translation: My renunciation is the internalization of the Shabad
Darsan Kai Taa-ee Bhaykh Nivaasee II
Darsan- see, vision (Lit); message within the Shabad; philosophy of the Shabad
Kai Taa-ee – aim, towards
Bhaykh- outfit, garb (Lit); way
Nivaasee- residence (Lit), adopted, accepted
Translation- My adopted spirituality is aimed towards getting to the messages of the Shabad
Saach Vakhar Kay Hum Vanjaaray II
Saach- Creator who is in the entire Existence
Vakhar- merchandise (lit), preferred, advocated, practiced way
Kay -of
Hum-me, I
Vanjaaray- trader (Lit); advocate
Translation: My advocated spirituality of renunciation is to connect to the Creator who is in Existence (When
we connect to the Creator within, we naturally disconnect with that is not God)
Nanak Gurmukh Utras Paaray II 18 II
Nanak- Guru Nanak
Gurmukh (with sihari)- message of the Shabad
Utras Paaray- crosses over (Lit); attains spiritual success/aim; realization of the Creator
Translation: Nanak, adherents of the messages contained within the Shabad realize the Creator II18II
Pauree 19:
Kit Bidh Purkhaa Janam Vataa-i-aa II
Kit Bidh- In what manner/method
Purkhaa- human
Janam- life
Vataa-i-aa- traversing/navigating/ getting across successfully
Translation: What is the method for traversing the human life towards realization of the Creator?
Kaahay Ka-o Tujh Ih Munn Laa-i-aa II
Kaahay Ka-o- In What
Tujh- Your
Eh- This
Munn- Laa-i-aa- Focused thought
Translation: While traversing the human life towards realization of the Creator, what is the focus of your mind?
Kit Bidh Aasaa Mansaa Khaa-ee II
Kit Bidh- In what manner/method
Aasaa- desire
Mansaa- of the mind, relating to the mind
Khaa-ee- eliminate
Translation: What is the method for eliminating the mental distractions of temporal life?
Kit Bidh Jot Nirantar Paa-ee II
Kit Bidh- in what way/ method
Jot- enlightenment
Nirantar- (nir + antar)- w/o distance; Creator within
Paa-ee- obtained; state of realization
Translation: How did the enlightenment towards realization of the Creator within come into being?
Bin Dantaa Ki-o Khaa-ee-ai Saar II
Bin Dantaa- without teeth (Lit); sans ability; without enlightenment
Ki-o- How
Khaa-ee-ai- consume (Lit); undertake
Saar- Iron (Lit); genuine renunciation (Idiom)
Translation: How does one undertake renunciation without enlightenment? Its akin to chewing iron without
Nanak Saacha Karahu Beechaar II 19 II
Nanak O Nanak
Saacha- Creator who is in Existence
Karahu- provide
Beechaar- discourse
Translation: Nanak, provide a discourse to our questions in relation to the Creator’s realization II19II
Pauree 20:
Satgur Kai Janmay Gavan Mitaa-i-aa II
Satgur- the Sat- Creator connecting Guru; Shabad that connects to Creator
Kai Janmay -Being born into (Lit); internalization
Gavan- cycle; coming and going
Mitaa-i-aa- erased (Lit); eliminated
Translation: Internalization of the God connecting Shabad provides a permanent realization of the Creator;
eliminating the cyclic nature of it (awake & asleep)
Anhat Raatay Ih Man Laa-i-aa II
Anhat- Ek russ, full, singular, undiverted, focused
Raatay- imbued in love, with love
Ih Man- this mind
Laa-i-aa- immersed
Translation: While traversing the human life towards realization of the Creator the mind is immersed in
undivided focus and love of the Shabad
Mansaa Aasaa Shabad Jalaa-ee II
Aasaa- Desire
Mansaa- of the mind, relating to the mind
Shabad (with sihari)- messages within the Shabad
Jalaa-ee- Eliminated
Translation: The attractions of temporal life are eliminated through internalizing the messages of the Shabad
Gurmukh Jot Nirantar Paa-ee II
Gurmukh- from the Guru’s mind; Shabad
Jot- enlightenment
Nirantar- Creator within
Paa-ee- realized
Translation: Enlightenment towards realization of the Creator came from within the messages of the Shabad
Tarai Gun Maytay Khaa-ee-ai Saar II
Tarai Gun- Mind, body soul attractions of temporal life
Maytay- Eliminate
Khaa-ee-ai- consume (Lit); undertake
Saar- Idiom: Iron (Lit); genuine renunciation
Translation: Undertaking renunciation by eliminating the mind, body, soul desires of daily life without the
enlightenment of the Shabad is akin to chewing iron without teeth
Nanak Taaray Taaranhaar II 20 II
Nanak- Guru Nanak’s Gurmat
Taaray- Realize
Taaranhaar- Creator; realization is within
Translation: Nanak, the discourse in relation to the Creator’s realization is that He is to be realized wIthin the
seeker itself II20II
What is Shabad?
● Comes in two forms: With and without Sihari (Punjabi Grammar)
● W/o Sihari- Container (the cup)
● With Sihari- Content (we need to get here, water/food)
● Sikhi is about getting from the container (surface level) to the content (filling the container w/ food takes
our effort to understand it)
● Shabad is Ocean of Godly Virtues- understand, apply, internalize, believe, become, act upon the
● Even when it is about the container it is about opening it to get to the content (Kamaayee- earn)
Pauree 21:
Aad Ko Kavan Bichar Kathealay Sunn Kha Ghar Vaso II
Aad Ko- The Beginning One/ Creator
Kavan Bichar- What discourse/ view
Kathealay- Say out, pronounce, articulate
Sunn- State of Stillness, unchanging, permanent, undisturbed, unscattered, perpetual focus
Khaan- Which
Ghar- house (Lit), location/state
Vaso- Dwelling in, reside, attaining
Translation: What discourse does the Shabad articulate about attaining a state of perpetual focus on the
Gyaan Kee Mudra Kavan Kathi-ealay Ghat Ghat Kavan Nivaso II
Gyaan Kee Mudra- Idiomatic for Godly Enlightenment; being enlightened
Kavan- What
Kathi-ealay- Speak out/articulate
Ghat Ghat- Within everything, Omnipresent
Nivaso- dwell/ reside
Translation: What discourse does the Shabad articulate regarding being enlightened about the Creator’s
Kaal Ka Theega Kion Jala-ealay Kion Nirbhau Ghar Jayeay II
Kaal Ka- Death
Theega- baton (Lit); fright, distress, anxiety
Kion- How
Jala-ealay- Eliminate
Nirbhau- Fearless, unafraid
Ghar Jayeay- Go into a state of
Translation: What discourse does the Shabad articulate regarding eliminating the anxiety of death and
becoming fearless?
Sehej Santokh Ka Asan Janey Kion Cheydy Bai-raiey II
Sehej- calm, equipoise, tranquility
Santokh- Contentment
Asan – State
Janey- Realize/ become
Kion- How
Cheydey- Discard, eliminate
Bai-raiey- Vices (from Bure-aiyean)
Translation: What discourse does the Shabad articulate regarding eliminating vices in becoming tranquil and
Gur Kai Shabad Haumai Bikh Marey Ta Nijh Ghar Hovey Vaso II
Gur Kai Shabad- Within the Shabad Guru (messages/enlightenment)
Haumai- Ego
Bikh- Poison (Lit), vices
Marey- eliminate
Ta Nijh- Self, within
Ghar- State of mind
Hovey Vaso- attained, realized
Translation: The enlightenment contained within the Shabad eliminates one’s ego and vices; and creates a
state of Godly realization
Jin Rach Rachea Tis Shabad Pehchaney Nanak Ta Ka Daso II 21 II
Jin Rach Rachea- He who is the Creator
Shabad (with Sihari) via the messages of the shabad
Tis- That (The Creator)
Pehchaney- Realize
Nanak Ta Ka Daso- I am bound to the Shabad
Translation: The Creator is realized through the enlightenment of the Shabad; I am thus bound to it II21II
Pauree 22:
Khaan Te Avey Khaan Eh Javey Khaan Eh Rahe Samayee II
Khaan Te- Whence from; what; How
Avey- Origin, Source
Eho -It
Javey- Destiny
Rahe Samayee- Remains within
Translation: What does the Shabad say is the origin of life; what is its ultimate destination and how is it to be
Eas Shabad Kao Jo Arthavey Tis Gur Till Na Tameyee II
Eas Shabad Ko- The Shabad that
Jo Arthavey- Give meaning to; discourse; answers our queries
Tis Gur- Essence, crux, core, specialization
Till -sesame seed (Lit); none at all
Na Tameyee- No desire
Translation: In particular the Shabad that gives meanings to the crux of our queries about eliminating our life
related desires
Kion Tatey Avgatey Pavey Gurmukh Lagey Pyaro II
Kion – How
Tatey – Essence, source of Creation; Creator
Avgatey- Non- physical ( from the word A-viyaktee)
Tatey Avgatey- Beyond form; formless
Pavey- Realize
Gurmukh- From the Guru’s mind; messages of the Shabad
Lagey Pyaro- imbue love
Translation: How does the shabad’s messages imbue love and realization for the formless source of physical
creation- the Creator?
Apey Surta Apey Karta Kho Nanak Bicharo II
Apey- Self; own
Surta- Focused; residing within
Karta- Creator
Kho Nanak Bicharo- Nanak, share the discourse
Translation: Nanak, What is the Shabad’s discourse on the Creator being immersed within His own Creation?
Hukmey Avey Hukmey Javey Hukmey Rahe Samayee II
Hukmey- By way of Hukum ( of the Hukmee- the one who recognizes the Hukum)
Avey- Coming; beginning, origin
Javey- Going; destination
Rahe Samayee- Realized state
Translation: The origin of life is by way of the Hukum; its ultimate destination is the Hukum; it is to be lived in
the realization of the Hukum
Poorey Gur Tey Sach Kamavey Gatt Mitt Shabdey Paye II 22 II
Poorey Gur- Complete essence
Sach- Creator
Kamavey- Realization
Gatt Mitt- Understanding
Shabdey- Through the Shabad
Payee- Obtained
Translation: The complete essence of Realization of the Creator being immersed in His Creation and an
understanding of the Hukum comes through the Shabad II22II
Pauree 23:
Aad Kao Bismaa Bichar Kathi-aley Sunn Nirantar Vaas Leeya II
Aad- Beginning; origin
Bismaad- intriguing
Bichar Kathi-aley- Stated discourse
Sunn- Creator in Sidh language
Nirantar- Nir + Antar; non separated
Vaas Leeya- Come to reside within
*Sikhi accepts creation to be real vs. a myth (Vedic)
Translation: The Creator is un-separated from the origin of His Creation; the intriguing reality is that He resides
within His Creation
Akalpat Mudra Gur Gyaan Bichari-aley Ghat Ghat Sacha Sarb Jeea II
Akalpat- A + Kalpat Un-imaginary; real, actual
Mudra- Method
Gur Gyaan- Enlightenment of essence
Bichari-aley- Discourse
Ghat Ghat- Within all of creation
Sacha- Creator
Sarab Jeea- All life forms
Translation: The actual method towards the essence of enlightenment is the Shabad’s discourse pertaining to
the Creator residing within all of Creation’s life forms
Gur Bachnee Avgutt Sama-iay Tutt Niranjan Sehej Laheh II
Gur- Essence/Crux discourse
Bachnee- refers to messages; Shabad
Avgutt- A + Viakti; Formless
Sama-iay – Realize
Tutt- Essence; Form
Niranjan – Nir + Anjan; Beyond Blemish; Creator
Tutt Niranjan – Beyond blemish of Form (Creator and Hukam are unblemished by His Creation)
Sehej- State of submission (towards Kameyeah)
Laheh- Accept
Translation: Realization of the Formless, Blemishless Creator is through submitting towards accepting the
messages of the Shabad
Nanak Duji Kaar Na Karnee Sevey Sikh So Khoj Lahey II
Duji Kaar- A Second Way/other way
Na Karnee- Don’t undertake
Sevey- Submitting in servitude; Kamayee when used in context of Shabad
Sikh- Follower of the messages of the Shabad
Khoj Lahey- discovers
Translation: Nanak, the Sikh of the Shabad’s messages discovers there is no way to realization of the Creator
other than through submitting towards accepting the messages of the Shabad
Hukam Bismaad Hukam Pehchaney Jee Jugat Sach Janey Soee II
Hukam (aungkar)- Will/Command of the Creator
Bismaad – Intriguing
Hukam (sihari) Pehchaney – Realize and live in the Hukam
Jee Jugat Method of spiritual living
Sach Janey- Realizes the Creator
Soee- Thus
Translation: The notion of Hukam as the essence of spirituality is intriguing; the method towards the realization
of the Creator is by realization of His Hukam
Aap Mayt Niralm Hovey Antur Sach Jogee Kaheay Soee II 23 II
Aap – Self-existence
Mayt- Eliminate
Niralm- Nir + Alam; non- separate
Hovey – Becomes
Antur Sach- Realized Within
Jogee- Realized being; one with the Creator
Kaheay Soee- defined such
Translation: Eliminating one’s separate existence by realizing the essence of Hukam is (Nanak’s/the Shabad’s)
definition of becoming Realized of the Creator within (Yogi) II23II
Pauree 24:
Avgatto Nirmael Upjey Nirgun Tey Sargun Theea II
Avgatto- From A + Viaktee- Formless Creator
Nirmael- Nir + Mael – Unblemished Creator
Upjey- Creation
Nirgun- Without Form
Tey- And
Sargun- With Form
Theea- Became, Came into existence
Translation: All Creation, with and without form came to exist from the Formless and Unblemished Creator
Satgur Pachey Param Padd Paiey Sachaey Shabad Samaye Lia II
Satgur- Creator
Parchey- Blessings
Param Padd- Highest State (Lit); Creator
Paiey- Realize
Sachaey Shabad- God Connecting Shabad
Samaye Leeya- Internalized
Translation: The internalization of the Shabad brings about the blessings of Realization of the Creator
Ekey Kao Sach Eka Janey Haumai Duja Duur Keeya II
Ekey- The One
Sach- The Creator
Eka- The Only
Janey- Realize
Haumai- Ego (Lit)
Duja- Second (Lit); other than the Creator
Duur Keeya- Eliminated; Relegated
Translation: The Internalization of the Shabd creates within me the Realization of the One and only Creator
and relegates the spirituality of any other
So Jogi Gur Shabad Pehchaney Antar Kamal Pargas Theea II
Jogi- United(Lit); God-Realized being
Gur Shabad- Shabad as Guru
Pehchaney- Recognize(Lit); Accept
Antar- Within the mind
Pargas- Light(Lit); enlightened
Kamal- Lotus(Lit); messages within the Shabad, SGGS 499
Translation: The God-Realized Being accepts the Shabad as Guru; becoming enlightened by the messages
within the Shabad
Jeevat Marey Ta Sabh Kich Sujhey Antar Janey Sarab Daya II
*We are alive based on our ego,dead on basis of our consciousness; bringing consciousness to our daily life
Jeevat Marey- dead while alive (Lit); relegation of the ego SGGS 1276, 34 *eliminating fear of physical death
Sabh Kich- Complete
Sujhey- Enlightened
Janey- Realization
Antar- Inner, self
Sarab Daya- Complete Compassion
Translation: Relegation of Ego brings about complete Realization and complete inner compassion
Nanak Ta Kao Miley Vadayee Aap Pachaney Sarb Jeeya II 24 II
Ta Kao- Such a being
Miley- Obtains; Attains
Vadayee- heights (spiritual)
Aap Pachaney- recognizes; sees the self
Sarab Jeeya- Within all (of creation)
Translation: Nanak, the one who awakens consciousness (Jeevat-Marey) attains spiritual heights by
recognizing the Creator within one’s Self and within all of Creation II24II
Pauree 25:
Sacho Upjey Sach Samavey Sachey Soochay Ek Mya II
Sacho- (Grammar: with kanora: ao) From the Creator
Upjey- Originate from
Sach- (w/Sihari) Creator
Samavey- Merge (Lit); Destination (read w/ Upjey)
Sachey- The Creator
Soochay- (w/ sihari) Creator-Realized Being
Ek Mya- Become One Constantly, permanently
Translation: The Creator is our source and destination; the realized being (thus) remains constantly merged
with the Creator (in spirituality)
Jhoothey Aveh Thavar Na Pavey Dooja Ava Gaunn Bhya II
Jhoothey- Liar (Lit); Unrealized being (contrasted with Soochay in previous verse)
Aveh- Comes into
Thavar- Stillness (Lit); State of Permanent Realization
Na Pavey- Not attained; not permanent; transient
Dooja- Second (Lit); other; Other than the Creator
Ava Gaun- Cycle of spiritual life and death (fleeting)
Bhya- Enters, results
Translation: The state of realization of the God disconnected being is transient; spirituality of any entity other
than the Creator results in the cycle of spiritual life and death
Ava Gaunn Mitey Gur Shabdee Apey Parkhey Bhasksh Lyaa II
Ava Gaunn- The cycle of spiritual life & death
Mitey- Ends
Gur Shabdee- Shabad as Guru
Apey Parkhey- Self evaluation, discerned acceptance (we do this) of Shabad
Baksh Lyaa- Enlightened (Baksh of Shabad)
Translation: The cycle of spiritual life and death ends through enlightenment resulting from discerned
acceptance of the Shabad Guru
Eka Bedan Dujey Biapee Naam Rasayean Visreeaa II
Eka – One; This One
Bedan- Affliction; pain
Dujey- Second (Lit); Other than the Creator
Biapee- Results, comes about
Naam- Virtues (of the Creator)
Rasayean- The source of the essence (Lit); The Creator
Visreeaa- Discarded (Lit); Relegation
Translation: This affliction of spiritual death results from relegating our spirituality to sources other than the
● Defeatist attitude among Sikhs; that when Creator decides it will be done
● Aap- refers to Sikh taking spirituality as own responsibility
● Not a Gurmat principle
● Defeatist attitude eliminates choice from spiritual equation
● Defeatist attitude removes responsibility, blame Creator fault is within our choices
● Defeatist attitude removes human endeavor and effort from the spiritual equation
● Defeatist attitude removes human intellect from spiritual equation
● Easy to bring water downhill, how to bring it uphill requires intellect, thought, ideas
● Sikhi is about me Doing something
● Sikhi is about making choices
● 1429 pages is a guide about making choices and reaping consequences
Suhee Mehal 5: Burey Kaam Ko Outh Khaloyea, Naam Kee Bela Paey Paey Soyea II SGGS 738
Outh Khaloyea- get up and go
Paey Paey Soyea- waits to be awakened by Creator
Jeyha Beejay So Lunney Karma Sandra Kheyt II SGGS 134
Jeyha Beejay So Luneey- Reap as you sow
Karma Sandra Kheyt- Life is a field of (sowing) actions
Dadda Dosh Na Duyu Kisey Dosh Karama Aapney II SGGS 433
Karama- Deeds
Jo Mein Kiya So Mai Paiya Dosh Na Dejey Avar Jnaa II 433
So mein Paya- What I recieve/reap
Jo Mein Kiya- What I did
Jinee Naam Dhiayea Gaye Musakat Ghaal II SGGS 7
Mushakat- Endeavor
Akleen Sahib Seyveay Akleen Payeay Maan II 1245
Akleen- Through one’s intellect
Maan- Acceptance
So Bujhey Jis Aap Bujhaey Gur Kay Shabad So Mukht Bhaya II
Bujhey- Internalize
Jis- He who
Aap Bujhaey- Makes an effort on one’s own
Gur Kay Shabad- Through the Shabad Guru
So Mukht Bhya- Gets emancipated
Translation: Emancipation from the cycle of spiritual life and death is by making an effort on one’s own to
internalize Shabad Guru
Nanak Tarey Taranhara Haumai Duja Par-Hariya II 25 II
Tarey- Saved (Lit); Emancipated
Taranhara- Creator
Haumai- Ego (Lit); Me, Self
Duja- second (Lit); Other than the Creator
Par-Hariya- Eliminated
Translation: Nanak’s emancipation from the cycle of spiritual death is by eliminating the spirituality of any other
than the emancipating Creator II25II
Pauree 26:
Manmukh Bhoolai Jam Kee Kaan II
Manmukh- Spirituality that denies Shabad
Bhoolai- Wayward
Jum- Soldiers of physical death (Lit); The five vices in Gurbani that cause spiritual death
Kee Kaan- Subjected to
Translation: Spirituality that denies the Shabad becomes subjected to the five human vices and gets waylaid
Par Ghar Johai Haanay Haan II
Par- Other; Not one’s own; not the desired one; undesired
Ghar- Mind as home for spirituality; Mindset
Johai- Desires
Haanay Haan- Colossal loss (Lit); devoid of spirituality
Translation: The waylaid spirituality results in the undesired spiritually devoid mindset
Manmukh Bharam Bhavai Baybaan II
Manmukh- Spirituality that denies Shabad
Bharam- Mistaken, flawed, misguided
Bhavai- Engrossed
Baybaan- Wilderness
Translation: Spirituality that denies the Shabad results in us getting engrossed in the wilderness of misguided
Vaymaarag Moosai Mantar Masaan II
Vaymaarag- Waylaid, misguided, on the wrong path
Moosai- Cheat (Lit); Deceive
Mantar- Incantations (Lit); Spiritual instruction (mentri)
Masaan- Cremation place; mindset of eliminated/incinerated spirituality
Translation: Spirituality that denies the Shabad becomes waylaid due to deceptive instruction, creating a
mindset that incinerates the correct path
Shabad Na Cheenai Lavai Kubaan II
Cheenai- Recognize the worth
Lavai- Gets entangled in
Kubaan- Ko + Baan; worthless talk/discourse
Translation: Not recognizing the Shabad is to be entangled in worthless discourse
Nanak Saach Ratay Sukh Jaan II 26 II
Saach- Creator
Ratay- Imbued in Love
Sukh- Spiritual Bliss
Jaan- Come to know (Lit); realize, attain
Translation: Nanak, my spiritual bliss is attained by being imbued in Love of the Creator II26II
Pauree 27:
Gurmukh Saachay Kaa Bhao Paavai II
Gurmukh- From within the Guru’s mind; Messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Saachay- Creator’s
Bhao- Respect, Reverence, Deference
Paavai- Puts into (Lit); Creates, Brings about
Translation: The Spirituality of the Shabad brings about loving deference to the Creator II
Gurmukh Banee Agharh Gharhaavai II
Gurmukh- From within the Guru’s mind; Messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Banee- Uttered (Lit); Revealed
Agharh- Un-chiseled; un-molded (Lit); Mind
Gharhaavai- The process of sculpting
Translation: The spirituality of the revealed Shabad sculpts the mind
Gurmukh Nirmal Har Gun Gaavai II
Gurmukh- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Nirmal- Unblemished
Har- Omnipresent
Gun- Virtues
Gaavai- Sing (Lit); acquire, internalize
Translation: The Spirituality of the Shabad internalizes the virtues of the unblemished and omnipresent Creator
Gurmukh Pavitar Param Pad Paavai II
Gurmukh- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Pavitar- Pure; Sanctified
Param- Elevated
Pad- Status of the Mind
Paavai- Puts into (Lit); creates, brings about
Translation: The Spirituality of the Shabad creates an elevated and sanctified mind
Gurmukh Rom Rom Har Dhi-aavai II
Gurmukh- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Rom Rom- Whole-ly, completely
Har- Omnipresent Creator
Dhi-aavai- Focuses
Translation: The Spirituality of the Shabad creates complete focus on the Omnipresent Creator
Nanak Gurmukh Saach Samaavai II 27 II
Gurmukh- From within the Guru’s mind; Messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Saach- Creator
Samaavai- Realize
Translation: Nanak, the spirituality of the Shabad creates realization of the Creator II27II
Pauree 28:
Gurmukh Parchai Bayd Beechaaree II
Gurmukh- From within the Guru’s mind; Messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Parchai- Evaluate, Discern
Bayd- Vedas
Beechaaree- Discourse
Translation: The Spirituality of the Shabad enables an evaluation of Vedic discourse
Gurmukh Parchai Taree-ai Taaree II
Gurmukh- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Parchai- Evaluate, Discern
Taree-ai- swim across (Lit); successful spirituality
Taaree- Saviour; guide
Translation: The Spirituality of the Shabad enables an evaluation of Vedic discourse as a guide of successful
Gurmukh Parchai So Shabad Gianee II
Gurmukh- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Parchai- Evaluate, Discern
Shabad (with sihari)- messages of Shabad, content
Gianee- Enlightened
Translation: The Spirituality of the Shabad enables an evaluation of enlightenment resulting from the
messages of the Shabad
Gurmukh Parchai Antar Bidh Jaanee II
Gurmukh- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Parchai- Evaluate, Discern
Antar- internal (Lit); Mind
Bidh- Creator (from Bidhata)
Jaanee- Realize
Translation: The Spirituality of the Shabad enables an evaluation of the Creator’s realization within
Gurmukh Paaeeay Alakh Apaar II
Gurmukh- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Paeeay- Realize
Alakh- Beyond Measure; Infinite
Apaar- Beyond Fathom
Translation: The Spirituality of the Shabad creates realization of the infinite and fathomless Creator
Nanak Gurmukh Mukat Duaar II 28 II
Gurmukh- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Mukat- Salvation (Lit); Free from Hindrances, unobstructed
Duaar- Door (Lit); pathway
Translation: Nanak, the Spirituality of the Shabad creates an unhindered spiritual pathway II28II
Pauree 29:
Gurmukh Akath Kathai Beechaar II
Gurmukh- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Akath Kathai- Infinite; Creator
Beechaar- Discourse
Translation: The Spirituality of the Shabad enables the discourse of the infinite Creator
Gurmukh Nibhai Saparvaar II
Gurmukh- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Nibhai- sustained; lasting
Saparvaar- good family (Lit); family of virtues within the mind; family of Godly virtues
Translation: The Spirituality of the Shabad sustains the array of Godly virtues within the mind
Gurmukh Japee-ai Antar Pi-aar II
Gurmukh- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Japee-ai- Internalize
Antar- Within
Pi-aar- Love
Translation: The Spirituality of the Shabad is to internalize and realize the Creator within with Love
Gurmukh Paa-ee-ai Shabad Achaar II
Gurmukh- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Paa-ee-ai- Realize, Internalize
Shabad (with Sihari)- messages within the Shabad; content
Achaar- Beautiful
Translation: The Spirituality of the Shabad is to realize the Creator within, through the beautiful messages of
the Shabad
Shabad Bhayd Jaanai Jaanaa-ee II
Shabad (with Sihari)- messages within the Shabad
Bhayd- weave into (Lit); Embed
Jaanai- Know (Lit); Realize
Jaanaa-ee- Cause to be Realized
Translation: The Spirituality of the Shabad is to realize the Creator (because) the messages embedded within
the Shabad cause the realization to come about
Nanak Haumai Jaal Samaa-ee II 29 II
Haumai- Self, ego
Jaal- burn (Lit); removes
Samaa-ee- Realize
Translation: Nanak, the internalization of the messages embedded within the Shabad removes ego from the
Journey of Realization of the Creator II29II
Pauree 30:
Gurmukh Dhartee Saachai Saajee II
Gurmukh- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Dhartee- Earth (Lit); All of creation on Earth; our abode, our planet
Saachay- Creator
Saajee- Created
Translation: The Spirituality of the Shabad accords the entirety of Creation to the Creator (response to
selective renunciation practiced by Sidhs)
Tis Meh Opat Khapat So Baajee II
Tis Meh- Within it (Creation)
Opat- Starting point (Lit); Create
Khapat- End Point (Lit); Destruct
So- Of
Baajee- place a bet (Lit); from bajee launee; invest one’s trust and confidence
Translation: The Creator is invested in the entirety of His Creation from its beginning to its end
Gur Kai Shabad Rapai Rang Laa-ay II
Gur Kai Shabad- The messages of the Guru’s Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Rapai- Imbue
Rang- Love
Laa-ay- Instill, Infuse
Translation: The Messages of the Guru’s Shabad instills love for the entirety of His Creation
Saach Rata-o Pat Si-o Ghar Jay-ay II
Saach- Creator
Rata-o- In Realization of
Pat Si-o – Dignified
Ghar- Mind as abode of spirituality
Jaa-ay- Go (Lit); Earned (with reference to dignity)
Translation: Spiritual dignity is earned in the Realization of the Creator as being invested in the entirety of His
Creation from its beginning to its End
Saach Shabad Binn Pat Nahee Paavai II
Saach Sabad- Creator Connecting Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Binn- Sans, without
Pat- Dignity (spiritual) in the eyes of the Creator within
Nahee Paavai- Not earned
Translation: Spiritual dignity cannot be obtained without the enlightenment that the Creator is invested in the
entirety of His Creation as provided by the Spirituality of the Shabad
Nanak Binn Naavai Ki-o Saach Samaavai II 30 II
Binn- Sans, without
Naavai- Godly Virtues (in the case of this pauree, that He is invested in Creation)
Ki-o- How
Saach- Creator
Samaavai- Realize
Translation: Nanak, Without realizing His Virtues as being invested in the entirety of Creation, how can I realize
the Creator? II30II
Pauree 31:
Gurmukh Ast Sidhee Sabh Budhee II
Gurmukh- From within the Guru’s mind; Messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Asat Sidhee- 8 powers (Lit); ultimate objective of Yog Matt
Sabh- Complete
Budhee- Awareness; Reality
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad provides complete reality relating to the ultimate objective of Yog
Matt (What is reality?)
Gurmukh Bhavjal Taree-ai Sach Sudhee II
Gurmukh- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Bhavjal- Ocean (Lit); Spiritual Life
Taree-ai- Cross over (Lit); Conduct Successfully; Realize
Sach- Creator
Sudhee- Awareness; Enlightenment
Translation: The Complete Reality is that Spirituality of the Shabad is what allows for successful conduct of our
spiritual life towards realizing the Creator
Gurmukh Sar Apsar Bidh Jaanai II
Gurmukh- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Sar- Auspicious
Apsar- not auspicious
Bidh- True Knowledge; Enlightenment
Jaanai- Obtain; Provide
Translation: The Spirituality of the Shabad provides enlightenment on auspiciousness and inauspiciousness
pertaining to Creation
Gurmukh Parvirat Narvirat Pachhaanai II
Gurmukh- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Parvirat- Accept
Narvirat- Reject; Renounce
Pachhaanai- Recognize (Lit); “Pehchan Hoi Gaye”; Enlightenment
Translation: The Spirituality of the Shabad provides enlightenment relating to embracing and renouncing
Gurmukh Taaray Paar Utaaray II
Gurmukh- From within the Guru’s mind; Messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Taaray- Swim (Lit); Process, Conduct
Paar- Across (Lit); End Goal; Destination
Utaaray- Saves (Lit); Successful
Translation: Spirituality of the Shabad takes me to my destination (realization of Creator within)
Nanak Gurmukh Shabad Nistaaray II 31 II
Gurmukh- From within the Guru’s mind; Messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Shabad- The enlightenment within the Shabads messages
Nistaaray- Successful Out come (realization of Creation within
Translation: Nanak, the Spirituality of the Shabad creates realization of the Creator within through the
enlightenment within the Shabad
Pauree 32:
Naamay Ratey Haumai Jaey II
Naamay- Godly Virtues
Ratey- Imbued
Haumai- Ego (Lit); Spirituality reliant on the Ego/Self
Jaa-ay- Eradicated, Eliminated
Translation: Spirituality of the Self is eliminated by being imbued in Godly Virtues
Naam Ratay Sach Rahay Samaey II
Naam- Godly Virtues
Ratay- Imbued
Sach- Creator
Rahay- Remain
Samaey- Realized Within
Translation: I remain Realized of the Creator Within by Being imbued in Godly Virtues
Naam Ratay Jog Jugat Bichar II
Naam- Godly Virtues
Ratay- Imbued
Jog- Union (Lit); Realization of the Creator Within
Jugat- Method
Bichar- Discourse
Translation: My discourse of the method of realizing (jog) the Creator within is that I have to be imbued in
Godly Virtues
Naam Ratay Pavey Mokh Duar II
Naam- Godly Virtues
Ratay- Imbued
Pavey- Attain, Obtain, Realize
Mokh- Free of obstacles
Duar- Doorway; Path
Translation: The Un-obstructed spiritual path is realized by being imbued in Godly Virtues
Naam Ratay Tribhavan Sojhee Hoey II
Naam- Godly Virtues
Ratay- Imbued
Tribhavan- Three worlds (Lit); Here, thereafter and intermediary; Vedic pathway for physical life and soul travel
Sojhee- Enlightenment
Hoey- Obtained
Translation: Being imbued in Godly Virtues one obtains enlightenment regarding (the non-necessity of)
Nanak Naam Ratay Sadaa Sukh Hoey II 32 II
Naam- Godly Virtues
Ratay- Imbued
Sadaa- Perpetual; eternal; Spiritual
Sukh- Bliss, Joy
Hoey- Attain, Create
Translation: Nanak, Being imbued in Godly Virtues brings about spiritual bliss. (Eliminating Tribhavan
Concerns) II32II
Pauree 33:
Naam Ratay Sidh Gosht Hoey II
Naam- Godly Virtues
Ratay- Imbued
Sidh- Guru Nanak’s Sidh, Level 3 for the Sikh, redefined concept; exalted state realizes Creator/God
Gosht- Guru Nanak’s Gosht, Level 3 for the Sikh, redefined concept; Union, Relationship
Hoey- Attain, Create, Becomes, Results
Translation: Being imbued in Godly Virtues results in Realization of the Creator
Naam Ratay Sada Tup Hoey II
Naam- Godly Virtues
Ratay- Imbued
Sada- Perpetual; Eternal; Spiritual
Tup- Penance (Lit); Spiritual deeds (Level 3- Guru Nanak’s Tup)
Hoey- Becomes, results, creates
Translation: Being imbued in Godly Virtues creates Spiritual deeds
Naam Ratay Sach Karnee Saar II
Naam- Godly Virtues
Ratay- Imbued
Sach- The Creator
Karnee- Actions, deeds
Saar- Exalted; beautiful, good
Translation: Being imbued in Godly Virtues enables our acts to be exalted in the eyes of the Creator
Naam Ratay Gunn Giaan Bichar II
Naam- Godly Virtues
Ratay- Imbued
Gunn- Virtues
Giaan- Enlightenment
Bichar- Discourse
Translation: Being imbued in Godly Virtues is enlightened discourse of Godly Virtues
Bin Naavai Bolai Sabh Vaykaar II
Bin- Without, devoid
Naavai- Godly Virtues
Bolai- Discourse
Sabh- All, Complete, Entirely
Vaykaar- without benefit, pretentious (opposite position of previous verse)
Translation: Without being imbued in Godly Virtues spiritual discourse is pretentious
Nanak Naam Ratay Tin Ko Jaikar II 33 II
Naam- Godly Virtues
Ratay- Imbued
Tin Ko- To Those
Jaikar- Applaud; appreciate
Translation: Nanak, being imbued in Godly Virtues is to become worthy of appreciation II33II
Pauree 34:
Purey Gur Tay Naam Paiya Jaeay II
Purey- Complete (Lit); One that connects to the Creator
Gur- Guru; Messages SGGS 295
Naam- Godly Virtues
Paiya- Realized
Jaye- Become; Happens
Translation: One becomes imbued in Godly Virtues through the Creator-Connecting Gurshabad
Jog Jugat Sach Rahai Samaey II
Jog- Union, Realization (Level 3- Guru Nanak’s Jog)
Jugat- Method, Technique, Way, Path
Sach- Creator
Rahai- Remains
Samaey- Imbued
Translation: The path to realization (Jog) of the Creator is to remain imbued in His virtues
Baarah Meh Jogi Bharmaey Saniasi Chey Chaar II
Baarah- Twelve
Meh- Within; Sects
Jogi- Yogis
Bharmaey- Wander, Meander, Stray
Saniasi- Renouncing Groups
Chey Chaar- Ten
Translation: In rejecting the Path to Realization of the Creator through being imbued in His virtues, all twelve
sects of yogis and ten sects of Sanyasees remain astray
Gur Kai Shabad Jo Mar Jeevai So Paeay Mokh Duar II
Gur- Guru
Kai- Of
Shabad (w/sihari)- Instruction/messages within the Shabad
Mar Jeevai- Live after dying (Lit); Become, Internalize
Paa-ay- Realizes
Mokh- from Mukt- w/o obstacles, unhindered
Duar- Doorway (Lit), pathway, spirituality
Translation: Internalizing the Shabad’s messages is to realize the unhindered path of spirituality
Binn Shabdai Sabh Doojai Lagay Daykho Ridai Bichaar II
Binn Shabdai- w/o the messages of the Shabad
Sabh- All, entirely, wholly
Doojai- Second (Lit); Other than the One Creator
Laagay- Attaches; connects; Leads
Doojai Lagay- Go Astray
Daykho- See (Lit); practice, try out, verify, observe; know
Ridai Bichaar- Discourse in the heart (Lit); Introspect
Translation: Introspect and know that Spirituality without internalizing the Shabad’s messages (enlightenment)
is wholly straying
Nanak Vaday Say Vadbhagi Jinee Sach Rakhia Urdhaar II 34 II
Vaday- Exalted
Vadbhagi- Blessed
Jinee- Those; That
Sach- Creator
Rakhia- Realized
Urdhar- Within
Translation: Nanak, exalted and blessed is the spiritual journey that strives to realize the Creator within II34II
Pauree 35:
Gurmukh Raatan Lahai Liv Laa-ay II
Gurmukh (w/ Sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality within the Shabad
Raatan- Jewel (Lit); Godly Virtues
Lahai- Obtain (Lit); benefit, Realize
Liv Laa-ay- Focus
Translation: The Spirituality of the Shabad focuses on the realization of Godly Virtues
Gurmukh Parkhai Raatan Subhaa-ay II
Gurmukh (w/ Sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality within the Shabad
Parkhai- Valuation, Appreciation
Raatan- Jewel (Lit); Godly Virtues
Subhaa-ay- Swey (Self) + Bhaey (Love)- Intrinsic Love
Translation: The Spirituality of the Shabad creates intrinsic appreciation of Godly Virtues
Gurmukh Sachee Kaar Kamaa-ay II
Gurmukh (w/ Sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality within the Shabad
Sachee- Pertaining to Realizing the Creator
Kaar- Deeds, Actions
Kamaa-ay- Earn; Inculcates
Translation: The Spirituality of the Shabad inculcates (Spiritual) deeds pertaining to the Creator’s Realization
Gurmukh Sachay Munn Patee-aa-ay II
Gurmukh (w/ Sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality within the Shabad
Sachay- Pertaining to the Creator
Munn- Mind
Patee-aa-ay- Convinces; Assuring
Translation: Spirituality of the Shabad assures the mind pertaining to the Creator
Gurmukh Alakh Lakhaa-ay Tis Bhaavai II
Gurmukh (w/ Sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality within the Shabad
Alakh- Unfathomable
Lakhaa-ay- Enlightenment
Tis- For
Bhaavai- Love
Translation: The Spirituality of the Shabad creates enlightenment and Love for the Unfathomable (Creator)
Nanak Gurmukh Chot Na Khaavai II 35 II
Gurmukh (w/ Sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality within the Shabad
Chot- strike (Lit), injury; setback
Na- not
Khaavai- endure
Chot Na Khaavai- idiomatic concept- slap in face; backfire of efforts
Translation: Nanak, the Spirituality of the Shabad ensures I sustain no (Spiritual) setbacks II35II
Pauree 36
Gurmukh Naam Daan Isnaan II
Gurmukh (w/ Sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality within the Shabad
Naam- Godly Virtues
Daan- Alms, donation (Lit); Exemplary Virtuous Living
Isnaan- Bath (Lit); Cleansing the 5 vices, mind and ego of conceit
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad cleanses the mind of ego; enabling an exemplary life of Godly
Virtues II
Gurmukh Lagai Sehj Dhiyan II
Gurmukh (w/Sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality within the Shabad
Lagai- Creates, Enables
Sehj- Intuitive, Instinctive
Dhiyan- Focus
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad enables instinctive focus on living a life of Godly Virtues II
Gurmukh Pavai Dargah Maan II
Gurmukh (w/Sihari) -From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality within the Shabad
Pavai- Receive, Provides (Lit); Accords
Dargah- Conscience Within
Maan- Dignity
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad accords my conscience the dignity of living a life of Godly Virtues II
Gurmukh Bhao Bhanjan Pardhan II
Gurmukh (w/Sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality within the Shabad
Bhao- Fear
Bhanjan- Eliminate, Remove
Pardhan- Leading
Bhao Pardhan- Leading Fear (Death)
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad eliminates fear of death allowing my conscience the dignity of living
a life of Godly Virtues II
Gurmukh Karnee Kar Karaey II
Gurmukh (w/Sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality within the Shabad
Karnee- Earned, Worthy (of spirituality)
Kar- Deeds
Karaey- Perform, undertake
Translation: The spirituality of Shabad enables the performance of spiritually worthy deeds within a conscience
freed from fear (of death) II
Nanak Gurmukh Mayl Milaey II 36 II
Gurmukh (w/ Sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality within the Shabad
Mayl (w/Sihari)- Bring together (Lit); Within
Milaey- Realization of the Creator
Translation: Nanak, the spirituality of the Shabad enables Realization of the Creator within II36II
Pauree 37
Gurmukh Sastar Simrit Bayd II
Gurmukh (w/ Sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality within the Shabad
Sastar- Shastras
Simrit (w/Sihari)- Content (spiritual) of Simritees
Bayd- Vedas
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad enables a spiritual evaluation of the Vedic texts of Shastras and
Simritees II
Gurmukh Pavai Ghat Ghat Bhayd II
Gurmukh (w/Sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality within the Shabad
Pavai- Realizes
Ghat Ghat (w/Sihari)- Within all
Bhayd- Understanding
Translation: The spirituality of Shabad creates an understanding and realization of the One who is within all II
Gurmukh Vair Virodh Gavavai II
Gurmukh (w/ Sihari)-From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality within the Shabad
Vair- Enmity
Virodh- Antagonism
Gavavai- Eliminate
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad eliminates enmity and antagonism towards realization of the Creator
within all II
Gurmukh Saglee Ganat Mitavai II
Gurmukh (w/ Sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality within the Shabad
Saglee- All
Ganat- Counts
Mitavai- Eliminates
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad enables the elimination of all counts of enmity and antagonism II
Gurmukh Ram Nam Rang Rata II
Gurmukh (w/Sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality within the Shabad
Ram- Omnipotent Creator
Nam- Godly Virtues
Rang- Love
Rata- Imbued
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad enables me to be imbued in the Love of Virtues of the Omnipotent
Creator II
Nanak Gurmukh Khasam Pachaata II 37 II
Gurmukh (w/Sihari)-From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality within the Shabad
Khasam- Master (Lit); Creator
Pachaata- Recognize (Lit); Realize
Translation: Nanak, the spirituality of the Shabad enables me to Realize my Creator II37II
Pauree 38
Bin Gur Bharmei Avai Jaey II
Bin- Sans, without
Gur- Guru (Shabad)
Bin Gur- Sans the Spirituality of the Shabad
Bharmei- Illusion, delusion
Avai Jaey- Cyclic
Translation: Sans the Spirituality of Shabad, spirituality remains in a state of cyclic delusion II
Bin Gur Ghaal Na Pav-ee Thaey II
Bin- Sans, without
Gur- Guru (Shabad)
Bin Gur- Sans the Spirituality of the Shabad
Ghaal- Spiritual Effort
Na- Not, negative
Pav-ee Thaey- target, achieve desired outcome (Lit); Realization of Creator Within
Translation: Sans the spirituality of the Shabad, my spiritual efforts do not create Realization of the Creator
within II
Bin Gur Manua Utt Dolaey II
Bin- Sans, without
Gur- Guru (Shabad)
Bin Gur- Sans the Spirituality of the Shabad
Manua- Mind
Utt- Extreme (Lit); Constant
Dolaey- Unstable, Unfocused (Lit); Wandering
Translation: Sans the spirituality of the Shabad, my mind is in a constant state of wandering II
Bin Gur Triput Nahi Bikh Khaey II
Bin- Sans, without
Gur- Guru (Shabad)
Bin Gur- Sans the Spirituality of the Shabad
Triput- Satiated
Nahi- Negate
Bikh- Poison (Lit); Vices
Khaey- Consume
Translation: Sans the spirituality of the Shabad, the mind remains consumed in vices and un-satiated II
Bin Gur Bisee-ar Dsai Mur Vaat II
Bin- Sans, without
Gur- Guru (Shabad)
Bin Gur- Sans the Spirituality of the Shabad
Bisee-ar- Snake (Lit); Vices
Dsai- Strike (Lit); Suffer, Effect
Mur- Death; Terminate
Vaat- Journey
Translation: Sans the Spirituality of Shabad, our vices cause our spiritual journey to suffer termination II
Nanak Gur Bin Ghatay Ghaat II 38 II
Bin- Sans, without
Gur- Guru (Shabad)
Bin Gur- Sans the Spirituality of the Shabad
Ghatay- Of Loss
Ghaat- Loss
Translation: Nanak, Sans the spirituality of the Shabad, I suffer immense loss in my spiritual journey II 38 II
Pauree 39
Jis Gur Miley Tis Paar Utarey II
Jis- Who (external), whence
Gur- Shabad, messages within the Shabad, spirituality of the Shabad
Miley- Meet (Lit); Realize
Tis- Then
Paar Utarey- Get across (Lit); successful spirituality; goal of spiritual journey
Translation: Realizing the messages within the Shabad is to realize the goal of one’s spiritual journey (realize
the Creator) II
Avgunn Metey Gunn Nistarey II
Avgunn- Human Vices
Metey- Eliminated (Lit); Replaced, substituted
Gunn- Godly Virtues
Nistarey- saved (Lit); redeemed
Translation: Realizing the messages within the Shabad replaced my vices with savior (Godly) virtues II
Mukt Maha Sukh Gur Shabad Bichar II
Mukt- Unobstructed spirituality
Maha Sukh- spiritual joy
Gur Shabad- messages within the Shabad, the Spirituality of the Shabad
Bichar- discourse (Lit); adopt, realize within
Translation: Realizing the messages within the Shabad is unobstructed spirituality towards spiritual joy II
Gurmukh Kdey Na Avey Haar II
Gurmukh (w/Sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Kdey- Ever
Na- Not
Avey Haar- defeat (Lit); failed spirituality; spirituality that misses its goal (contrast mukt in previous verse)
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad ensures my spirituality never gets obstructed II
Tun Htree Eh Mun Vannjara II
Tun- Physical body (Lit); Senses
Htree- small store (Lit); source
Eh- this (Lit); my
Mun- Mind
Vannjara- trader (Lit); selecting and discarding
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad enables my mind to accept and reject the choices of my senses II
Nanak Sehjey Sach Vapara II 39 II
Nanak- The spirituality of Nanak
Sehjey- Instinctively
Sach- Creator
Vapara- trade (Lit); selection, choice
Translation: Nanak, the spirituality of the Shabad enables me to instinctively Realize my Creator II39II
Pauree 40
Gurmukh Bandheyo Seyt Bidhatey II
Gurmukh (w/Sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Bandheyo- tie, build (Lit)
Seyt- bridge
Bidhatey- Creator
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad bridges me with my Creator II
Lanka Lootee Deynt Santapey II
Lanka- idiomatic for priceless; life, spiritual life
Lootee- plundered
Deynt- demons (Lit); vices
Santapey- pain, suffering, sorrow
Translation: This bridging saved my invaluable spirituality from being plundered into sorrow by my vices II
Ramchand Mareyo Ehh Ravan II
Understanding usage of mythology in Gurbani:
5 verses dedicated to Ramchand in entire SGGS in 3 forms
1) With Aungkar p875 reference is to Ramchand the prince, son of King Dasrath
2) Without Aungkar p1082 no shape or form Ram- Omnipresent; the beautiful and Omnipresent Creator
3) With Sihari p942 “By Ramchand”; which Ramchand? Context comes into play to determine usage
4) With Aungkar p1412
5) Without Aungkar p817- Har Har Har Aradheay Hoeay Aroag II Internalizing the virtues of the
Omnipresent Creator I am healed of my vices
Ramchand Ki Lastika Jin Mariya Rog II These virtues of the Beautiful Omnipresent Creator
(Ramchand) were the panacea (Lastika) that healed me of my vices II
Ramchand (w/ Sihari)- Beautiful Omnipresent Creator
Mareyo- Killed (Lit); eliminated
Ehh- From the word (Ahung)- Ego
Ehh Ravan- EH refers to ego; Ego of Ravan
Ravan- Ravan the King (Lit); epitome of Ego
Translation: The Virtues of the Beautiful Omnipresent Creator eliminated the epitome of my vices, the ego II
Mythology Used in Gurbani:
Is not the subject matter of Gurbani, Gurbani is never about myths in a spiritual sense to accept
Myths remain as myths in Gurbani; Narrative of Sikh spirituality is the Shabad not the myth
Mythological figures are NOT given recognition in Gurbani
All References must be viewed CONTEXTUALLY (3 main ones)
Context 1: Reference to prevalent beliefs BUT never accepted by Gurbani
Andhuley Dehsir Moond Karayea Ravan Maar Kya Vada Bhaya II SGGS 50
Literal meaning: The blind Ravan got himself annihilated, what’s the big feat in killing him?
Message: Ravan was already dead spiritually on account of his ego. What’s the big deal about his physical
To Sikhs: Are we spiritually dead on account of our egos? What is the point of having 10 intellectual heads
when we are spiritually dead?
Context 2: Idiomatic
Lanka Garh Soney Ka Bhya II Moorakh Ravan Kya Ley Gya II SGGS 1158 Moorakh- Ravan of wealth
Epitome of Conceit- Ramchand Mareyo Eh Ravan II The Ravan of Vices- Epitome of Ego
Bhulo Ravan Mughad Acheyt II Lootee Lanka Sees Sameyt II SGGS 224 Ravan of follies and ignorance-
Ultimate Loss- Spiritual Ignorance
Context 3: Juxtapositioning- Place (different things) side by side (so as to compare or contrast them)
Put MYTH side by side so as to compare and contrast it with REAL SPIRITUALITY
Gurus understood Myths are pervasive, rest in the deepest recesses of our mind
Myth Spirituality of Shabad
Ram Chander s/o Dasrath built a bridge from Gurmukh Bandheyo Seyt Bidhatey II
Mainland India to Sri Lanka Bridge of Spirituality
He looted Sri Lanka and slaughtered the demons Lanka Loote Deyt Santapey II
Deyt-Vices; Golden Lanka- Invaluable Spirituality
He Beheaded Ravan Ramchand Mareyo Ehh Ravan II
Ravan- Epitome of Ego
Victory was due to Bhabheekhan advising Ram Bheyd Babhikhun Gurmukh Parchayen II
Chander of Ravan’s secrets/weakness Bheyd-Spiritual advise; Babhikhun- Seeker
Ram Chander constructed a bridge by floating rocks Gurmukh Saer Pahaan Tarey II
He wrote Ram on them to prevent from sinking Rocks- the burden of vices that sink our spirituality
Method of Juxtapositioning:
Most translations tragically replace the Spirituality of the Shabad with the myth, unfortunately results in Shabad
becoming a myth. Their myths become our facts; our facts (Spirituality of Shabad) becomes the myth.
Guru sought to remove the myths, eliminates the myths, & replace the myths with spiritual value vs accepting
the myths as spirituality.
Intention is to replace the spirituality of the myth into the spirituality of the Shabad
Outcome: a) Myth remains a myth b) Spirituality of the Shabad becomes paramount
Bheyd Babhikhun Gurmukh Parchayen II
Bheyd- secret (Lit); spiritual advice-
Babhikhun (no aungkar, not a noun; used as description)- from (Bheekh) asker of alms; Seeker
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; Messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Parchayen- messages, narrative
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad provides invaluable advice as a seeker of spiritual messages II
Gurmukh Saer Pahaan Tarey II
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; Messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Saer- shore (Lit); reach one’s objective
Pahaan- stone, rock (Lit); burden of vices that sink our spirituality
Tarey- Swim (Lit); journey across, transform
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad transforms my vice-burdened spirituality to one that reaches its
objective II
Gurmukh Koat Teytees Udhahre II 40 II
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; Messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Koat- Multitudes
Teytees- 33 (Lit); Meta-meaning/idiom 330 million devtas; all beings on spiritual journeys
Udhahre- saved (Lit); successful outcome
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad enables successful outcomes for all beings who are on the journey
of spirituality II40II
Pauree 41
Gurmukh Chukey Avan Jann II
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; Messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Chukey- End, eliminate
Avan Jann- coming and going (Lit); cycle of spirituality; Spiritual Life= Virtues; Spiritual Death=Vices
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad eliminates the cycle of spiritual life and death within me II
Gurmukh Dargah Pavey Maann II
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; Messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Dargah- court of judgement (Lit); conscience within
Maann- Honor, dignity
Translation: (As a result of) The elimination of the cycle of spiritual life and death, I am accorded honor before
my conscience within II
Gurmukh Khotey Khrey Pehchaan II
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; Messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Khotey- Fake; for the show of external world
Khrey- Genuine
Pehchaan- recognize (Lit); distinguish
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad distinguishes fake honor from true honor of my conscience within II
Gurmukh Lagey Sehej Dhiyan II
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; Messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Lagey- Join (Lit); Realize
Sehej- Intuitive, (natural habit/ease)
Dhiyan- Focus
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad enables intuitive focus towards realization of the true honor of my
conscience within II
Gurmukh Dargah Sift Smaye II
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; Messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Dargah- court of judgement; conscience within
Sift- Praise of Godly Virtues
Smaye- Internalize
Translation: The spirituality of Shabad enables my conscience within to internalize praise of Godly Virtues II
Nanak Gurmukh Bandh Na Paye II 41 II
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; Messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Bandh- Entanglement (of vices)
Na Paye- not obtained (Lit); free from
Translation: Nanak, the spirituality of the Shabad ensures my conscience is free of the entanglement (of my
vices) II41II
Pauree 42
Gurmukh Naam Niranjan Paye II
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; Messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Naam (w/ aungkar)- Virtues (as nominative noun)
Niranjan- Nir + Anjun= w/o blemish; the Creator
Paye- receive (Lit); inculcate
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad inculcates the Virtues of the Creator II
Gurmukh Haumai Shabad Jlaye II
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; Messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Haumai-ego (Lit); root of human vices
Shabad (w/sihari)- the messages within the Shabad
Jlaye- burn away (Lit); eliminate
Translation: The messages within the Shabad eliminates the root of my vices through the process of
inculcating the Creator’s Virtues (the spirituality of Shabad) II
Gurmukh Sachey Kay Gunn Gaye II
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; Messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Sachey Kay- Pertaining to the Creator; of the Creator
Gunn Gaye- singing praises or virtues (Lit); internalize virtues; Flow chart: Sing (starting point) →
Understand→ Appreciate→ Know→ Realize→ Accept→ Believe→ Become
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad internalizes the Virtues of the Creator II
Gurmukh Sachey Rhey Smaye II
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; Messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Sachey- Pertaining to the Creator
Rhey- Remains
Smaye- Imbued
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad imbues the Virtues of the Creator within me II
Gurmukh Sach Naam Pat Utum Hoye II
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; Messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Sach (w/sihari)- Pertaining to the Creator
Naam (w/sihari)- Through the Virtues
Pat (w/sihari)- Dignity
Hoye- Becomes, is
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad exalts my dignity through becoming the Virtues of the Creator II
Nanak Gurmukh Sagl Bhavan Kee Sojhee Hoye II 42 II
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; Messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Sagl- Entire
Bhavan- Cosmos
Sagal Bhavan- Entirety of Creation; Omnipresence (of Creator w/in all of Creation)
Sojhee- Aware
Hoye- Become, create, generate
Translation: Nanak, the spirituality of the Shabad generates awareness of the Omnipresence of the Creator
within the entirety of His Creation II42II
Pauree 43
Kavan Mool Kavan Mut Vela II
Kavan- Who, What
Mool- Source
Mut (w/sihari)- within the mind; beliefs
Vela- time (Lit); life, existence
Translation: What is the source of your spiritual life and beliefs? II
Tera Kavan Guru Jis Ka Tu Chela II
Tera- Your
Kavan- Who, what
Guru- Enlightenment
Jis Ka- whose; whence
Chela- Follower, disciple (Lit); adherent
Translation: What is the source of your enlightenment that you adhere to? II
Kavan Katha Ley Raho Niraley II
Kavan- what, whence
Katha- discourse
Ley- adopt
Raho- stay (Lit); kept (second person)
Niraley- unique
Translation: What is the source of your unique discourse? II
Boley, Nanak Sunnho Tum, Baley II
Boley- speak (Lit); discourse
Nanak (aungkar)- Addressing Nanak
Sunnho Tum- (we are) Listening to you
Baley- child (Lit); unenlightened
Translation: Discourse O Nanak, the unenlightened are listening to you II
Eys Katha Ka Dey Bichar II
Eys- This particular
Katha Ka- Matter, subject
Dey- Seek
Bichar- Discourse
Translation: The unenlightened seek discourse on this particular subject II
Bhavjul Shabad Langhavanhar II 43 II
Bhavjul- Spiritual Life
Shabad (w/sihari)- Messages within the Shabad
Langhavanhar- ability to cross over (Lit); reach one’s spiritual destination/objective
Translation: How do the messages within the Shabad enable us to achieve the goals of our spiritual life? II43II
Pauree 44
Pavan Arambh Satgur Mut Vela II
Pavan- air (Lit); Source (of life)
Arambh- beginning (Lit)
Satgur (w/sihari)- Creator connecting Guru, Creator connecting enlightenment
Mut (w/sihari)- Within the mind; Beliefs
Vela- Spiritual Life
Translation: The source of my spiritual life and beliefs is Creator-connecting enlightenment II
Shabad Guru Suret Dhun Chela II
Shabad (w/aungkar)- nominative noun
Guru- Enlightenment
Suret (w/sihari)- Source
Dhun (w/sihari)- Sound (Lit); command, instruction
Chela- Follower, disciple (Lit); adherent
Translation: The source of my enlightenment is the Shabad, I adhere to the instruction within II
Akath Katha Ley Rhou Nirala II
Akath- beyond discourse (Lit); Creator
Katha- Discourse
Ley- Adopt
Rhou- stay (Lit), kept (first person)
Nirala- Unique
Translation: I adopt the Creator as the Source of my unique discourse II
Nanak Jug Jug Gur Gopala II
Jug Jug (w/sihari)- infinite; entirety of period (start to end)
Gur- Essence
Gopala- Sustainer Creator
Translation: The Creator is the eternal essence/sustainer of Nanak’s spirituality II
Ek Shabad Jit Katha Vichari II
Ek (w/aungkar)- One Creator
Shabad (w/aungkar)- nominative noun
Jit- Pertaining to, of
Katha- Discourse, narration
Vichari- Discoursed
Translation: Discourse pertaining to the One Creator that is narrated within the Shabad is the eternal essence
of my spirituality II
Gurmukh Haumai Agun Nivari II 44 II
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- From within the Guru’s mind; Messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Haumai- ego (Lit); root of human vices
Agun (w/sihari) Nivari- burn away (Lit); eliminate
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad eliminates the root of my vices II44II
Pauree 45
Meinn Kay Dant Kion Khayeay Saar II
Mein Kay Dant- With teeth of wax (Lit); metaphor: Sans ability; with little to no enlightenment
Kion- How
Khayeay- consume (Lit); undertake
Saar- Iron (Lit); metaphor: genuine renunciation/ genuine spirituality
Translation: How does one undertake genuine spirituality (renunciation) without enlightenment? It is akin to
chewing iron with teeth of wax II
Why are idioms used in Gurbani?
● Amplify messages in a way that draws the readers’ in
● Awaken senses of the reader
Leyley Ko Chungey Nit Bheyd II Gur Lago Cheyley Kee Payee SGGS 326- Senses running the mind whereas
mind needs to be in control of senses. Guru is bowing at the feet of the Chayla
Why are metaphors used in Gurbani?
● Express the nuances of emotions, experiences, and images for which no standard specific vocabulary
● Improve comprehension
● Gurbani is mind related. Metaphors have a psychological component
● See old things in new ways
Jul Kee Machlee Tarvar Biyaye II Dekhat Singh Charavat Gayee II SGGS 481 – A fish climbing a tree, a lion
tending to cows.
Jit Garub Jaye So Kavan Ahaar II
Jit- Through which
Garub Jaye- ego dissipates (Lit); Selflessness prevails
So- That
Kavan Ahaar- Consume (Lit); adopt
Translation: The spirituality through the adoption of which selflessness prevails II
Hivey Ka Ghar Mandir Agan Peyrahan II
Hivey Ka Ghar- House made of snow (Lit); Metaphor: cold heartedness; physically detached
Mandir- House of prayer, temple (Lit); body, senses
Agan- Fire (Lit); worldly desires
Peyrahan- Clothes (Lit); adorn, adopt
Translation: How does one undertake genuine spirituality with a mind that is physically detached but senses
full of desire? II
Kavan Gufa Jit Rhey Avahan II
Kavan- Where, which, how
Gufa- Cave (Lit); mindset
Jit Rhey- Stay Within (Lit); create
Avahan- permanent (Lit); desireless
Translation: How then does one create a mindset that is detached and free from desire? II
Et Ut Kis Ko Jaan Smavey II
Et Ut- here and there (Lit); everywhere; where
Kis Ko- Who, what
Jaan- Knowingly, with awareness
Smavey- Immerse (Level 2)
Translation: Where then and into what should the mind be knowingly immersed so that one can be detached
and free from desire? II
Kavan Dhiyan Mun Maneh Smavey II 45 II
Kavan- What
Dhiyan- Focus
Mun- Mind
Maneh- With belief
Smavey- Immerse (Level 2)
Translation: What should the focus of the mind be and into what belief should one immerse oneself in order to
undertake genuine spirituality? II 45 II
Pauree 46
Hao Hao Mein Mein Vicho Khovey II
Hao Hao- Primacy of Self
Mein Mein- Selfishness
VIcho Khovey- Free from; extricate
Translation: Genuine spirituality requires the extrication of oneself from the primacy of self and selfishness II
Dooja Mettey Eko Hovey II
Dooja- second (Lit); Other than One
Mettey- Eliminate
Eko- One Creator
Hovey- become (Lit); adopt
Translation: Genuine spirituality requires the adoption of the One Creator and elimination of spirituality other
than relating to the One II
Jagg Kar-rra Manmukh Gvaar II
Jagg- world (Lit); Spiritual life
Kar-rra- hard (Lit); iron; metaphor for impossible
Manmukh (w/aungkar)- self-guided
Gvaar- un-intelligent (Lit); unenlightened
Translation: Spiritual life is impossible in a self-willed and unenlightened state II
Shabad Kamayeay Khaa-ee-ei Saar II
Shabad (w/aungkar)- nominative noun; statement about (container), messages within the Shabad
Kamayeay- earn a living (Lit); becoming the Shabad
Khaa-ee-ei- consume (Lit); undertake
Saar- Iron (Lit); genuine renunciation/ genuine spirituality
Translation: To undertake genuine spirituality is to become the messages of the Shabad II
Antar Bahar Eko Janney II
Antar- Within
Bahar- Without
Eko- One Creator
Janney- know (Lit); realize
Translation: To become the messages of the Shabad is to realize the One Creator internally and externally II
Nanak Agan Mrey Satgur Key Bhanney II 46 II
Agan- fire (Lit); desires of the mind
Mrey- die (Lit); eliminate; detach
Satgur- Shabad Guru
Key Bhanney- outcome (Lit); enlightenment
Translation: Nanak, a mind that is detached from desire is acquired through the enlightenment of Shabad II46II
Pauree 47
Sach Bhaey Rata Garub Nivarey II
Sach- The Creator
Bhaey- fear (Lit); reverence
Rata- Imbued; raat (sanskrit)- love
Garub- ego (Lit); selfishness
Nivarey- Eliminate; cure; remedy
Translation: Being imbued in reverence of the Creator remedies one’s selfishness II
Eko Jaata Shabad Vicharey II
Eko- One Creator
Jaata- Realized
Shabad (w/aungkar)- nominative noun- subject of “vicharey”
Vicharey- Discourse, contemplate, internalize
Translation: Realization of the Creator (true spirituality) is through the internalization of the messages within
the Shabad II
Shabad Vsey Sach Antar Heeya II
Shabad (w/aungkar)- nominative noun- subject of Vsey
Vsey- Internalize
Sach- Creator
Antar- Within
Heeya- Realized
Translation: Internalization of the messages within the Shabad is the realization of the Creator within II
Tun Mun Seetal Rung Rungeya II
Tun- body (Lit); senses
Mun- Mind
Seetal- cold, doused (fire) (Lit); absence of worldly desires
Rung- Love
Rungeya- Imbued
Translation: The mind and senses become devoid of worldly desires when imbued in the Love of the Creator
within II
Kaam Krodh Bikh Agun Nivarey II
Kaam- desire
Krodh- anger
Bikh- poison (Lit); vice
Agun- fire (Lit); worldly desires
Nivarey- Eliminate; cure; remedy
Translation: The Love of the Creator within remedies our vices of desire and anger II
Nanak Nadree Nadar Pyarey II 47 II
Nadree- giver of grace- Creator
Nadar (w/sihari)- Grace; Realized
Pyarey- Beloved
Translation: Nanak, the Beloved Creator is thus Realized Within II47II
Pauree 48
Kavan Mukh Chand Hivey Ghar Chaya II
Kavan- How, what
Mukh- mouth, utterances (Lit); thoughts,beliefs
Chand- moon (Lit); metaphor for serenity
Hivey- ice (Lit); metaphor for tranquility
Ghar- house (Lit); mind
Chaya- a) shadow; b) settle (from Cha Gya)
Translation: What spiritual beliefs settle the mind into calm and tranquility? II
Kavan Mukh Surj Tpey Tpaya II
Kavan- How, what
Mukh- mouth, utterances (Lit); thoughts and beliefs
Surj- sun (Lit); metaphor for enlightenment
Tpey Tpaya kept heated (Lit); kept ablaze; sustained (vs. Chaya in previous verse)
Translation: What spiritual beliefs create and sustain enlightenment? II
Kavan Mukh Kaal Johat Nit Rhey II
Kavan- How, what
Mukh- mouth, utterances (Lit); thoughts and beliefs
Kaal- time, death (Lit); life
Johat- constant surveillance (Lit), look out; adherence
Nit- Daily (Lit); regular, constant
Rhey- stay (Lit); remain
Translation: What spiritual beliefs ought to be constantly adhered to throughout one’s life? II
Kavan Budh Gurmukh Patt Rahey II
Kavan- How, what
Budh- intellect (Lit); reason
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- from the Guru’s mind; the messages within the Shabad; spirituality of Shabad
Patt- dignity (Lit); elevated status
Rahey- remain, stay (Lit); maintain
Translation: What reasoning maintains the elevated status of the spirituality of Shabad? II
Kavan Jodh Jo Kaal Sangharey II
Kavan- what, who
Jodh- warrior, hero (Lit); victorious (used with Sangharey)
Kaal- time, death (Lit); spiritual death
Sangharey- eliminate (Lit); overcome
Translation: How does Spirituality of Shabad make one victorious in overcoming spiritual death? II
Boley Bani Nanak Bicharey II 48 II
Boley- Spoken
Nanak (w/aungkar)- nominative noun, subject of bicharey
Bani- utterance
Bicharey- discourse
Translation: Nanak, utter your discourse (pertaining to) our spoken questions II48II
Pauree 49
Shabad Bhakhat Sas Jot Apara II
Shabad (w/aungkar)- nominative to Bhakhat
Bhakhat- consume (Lit); internalize
Sas- Moon (Lit); metaphor for tranquility, serenity
Jot- Light (Lit); enlightenment
Apara- unlimited (Lit); Creator
Translation: Internalizing the Shabad creates tranquility by creating enlightenment of the Creator within II
Sas Ghar Soor Vasey Mitey Andhiara II
Sas- moon (Lit); metaphor for tranquility, serenity
Ghar- abode (Lit); mind
Soor- sun (Lit); metaphor for enlightenment
Vasey- stay (Lit); realized
Mitey- end (Lit); dispell
Andhiara- darkness (Lit); ignorance
Translation: By internalizing the Shabad, enlightenment is realized and ignorance dispelled resulting in a
serene mind II
Sukh Dukh Sum Kar Nam Adhara II
Sukh- Joy
Dukh- Sorrow
Sum- equal
Kar- make (Lit); do, live
Nam- Divine Virtues
Adhara- Based on, on the basis of
Nam Adhara- Living Divine Virtues
Translation: Serenity of the mind exists when joy and sorrow become equivalent when living Divine Virtues II
Apey Par Utaranhara II
Apey- self (Lit); me, on one’s own
Par- across (Lit); realize
Utaranhara- Saviour (Lit); Creator
Translation: The Divine Virtues themselves enable me to realize the Creator within II
Gur Parchey Mun Sach Samaye II
Gur- Guru (Lit); messages within the Shabad
Parchey- deep association (Lit); Becoming
Mun- Mind
Sach- The Creator
Samaye- Realized
Translation: Becoming the messages of the Shabad allows my mind to realize the Creator within II
Prannvat Nanak Kal Na Khaye II 49 II
Prannvat- prayer (Lit); spirituality
Kal- Death
Na- Not
Khaye- eat (Lit); consumed
Translation: Nanak, by realizing the Creator within, I am freed from spiritual death II49II
Pauree 50
Nam Tut Sabh Hi Ser Japey II
Nam- Divine Virtues
Tut- essence (Lit); Living (when paired with Japey)
Sabh Hi Ser- Above all; highest
Japey- Realization
Translation: Living Divine Virtues is the highest form of Realization II
Bin Navey Dukh Kal Santapey II
Bin Navey- Sans Divine Virtues
Dukh- suffering (Lit); Anguish
Kal- Time, death (Lit); spiritual life
Santapey- suffer (Lit)
Translation: Sans living the Divine Virtues, spiritual life suffers anguish II
Tato Tutt Miley Mun Maney II
Tato Tutt- Core of the essence (Lit); Living
Miley- Internalize
Tato Tutt Miley- Living to Internalize
Mun- Mind
Maney- Belief
Mun Maney- Become
Translation: The mind becomes the Divine Virtues when living in Divine Virtues is internalized II
Duja Jaye Ekat Ghar Aaney II
Duja- Spirituality other than the One
Jaye- Eliminate
Ekat- Of the One Creator
Ghar- home (Lit); instilled
Aaney- Comes
Translation: In doing so, the spirituality of the One Creator comes to exist and that of any other is eliminated II
Bolei Pavna Gagan Garjey II
Bolei- speaks (Lit); dictates, commands
Pavna- From Praan- Conscience
Gagan- sky (Lit); Raised
Garjey- Reverberate
Translation: The Conscience reverberates its commands to the mind that has become the Virtues II
Nanak Nihchal Milenn Sehjey II 50 II
Nihchal- unshakable (Lit); permanent
Milenn- meet (Lit); realize
Sehjey- Intuitive
Translation: Nanak, permanent realization of the Creator is thus instinctively attained II50II
Pauree 51
Antar Sunang Bahar Sunang Taribhavan Sun Masunung II
Antar- Within
Sunang- vacuum of sound (Lit); Creator in Sidh language & concepts
Bahar- Without, external
Taribhavan- three worlds (Lit); past, present and future; all of time; Entirety of time
Sun Masunung- absolute vacuum (Lit); Creator
Translation: The Creator is within and without all of His Creation for the entirety of its existence II
Chauthay Sunnai Jo Nar Jannai Taa Ko Pap Na Punung II
Chauthay Sunnai- Fourth level (Lit); Highest level of Sidh spirituality
Jo Nar- Whomsoever
Jannai- Realizes
Taa Ko- In which instance; where
Pap- Sin
Na- Negate
Punung- Good deeds
Translation: The highest level of realization where one is above sinful and virtuous deeds (Yogi Position) II
Ghat Ghat Sunn Ka Janai Bhayo II
Ghat Ghat- Within all; entirety of Creation
Sunn- Creator
Janai- Realization
Bhayo- From Bheyd- secret (Lit); awareness
Translation: That level lies in the awareness and realization that the Creator is within the entirety of creation II
Ad Purakh Niranjan Deyo II
Ad- Primal
Purakh- Being
Niranjan- Nir + Anjan =blemishless (Lit); free from the influences of the temporal
Deyo- Creator
Translation: The Creator is within all of Creation as its Primal Being, yet free from the influences of Creation II
Jo Jan Nam Niranjan Rata II
Jo Jan- Spiritual being (Lit); Spirituality, walks the path of Shabad
Nam- Divine Virtues
Niranjan- Nir + Anjan- Blemishless; free from the influences of temporal; Creator
Rata- Imbued
Translation: The Spirituality that is imbued in the Virtues of the Divine II
Nanak Soee Purakh Bidhata II 51 II
Soee- That
Purakh- Being
Bidhata- Creator
Translation: Nanak, by imbuing in the Virtues of the Divine is to become the Creator within II51II
Pauree 52
Suno Sunn Kahei Sabh Koee II
Suno Sunn- Highest Level of Sidh Spirituality (achieving silence of the mind/full renunciation of the world)
Kahei- discourse
Sabh Koee- Everyone
Translation: One and all discourse the highest level of Sidh spirituality II
Anhat Sunn Kha Tay Hoe II
Anhat- Metaphysical (beyond physical) (Lit); internal, within
Sunn- Creator
Kha Tay- In what manner
Hoee- Become, happen
Translation: In what manner does the Creator within get realized? II
Anhat Sunn Rtay Say Kaisay II
Anhat- Metaphysical (beyond physical) (Lit); internal, within
Sunn- Creator
Rtay- Imbue/ imbibe
Say- With
Kaisay- In what manner
Translation: In what manner does one imbue the Creator within? II
Jis Tay Upjay Tis Hi Jaisay II
Jis Tay- Where from
Upjay- Created
Tis Hi Jaisay- Just like that (Lit); become
Translation: In what manner does one Become (the Virtues of) the Creator? II
Discussion: The Hijackers of Sikhi
Put the Creator out of reach
Middle manship
Created FEAR of the Creator
Break direct approaches
Reduced the Creator to an object of ASKING
Created their own God
Oay Janm Na Mreh Na Avahey Jahi II
Janm- Birth (Lit); acquire spiritual life
Na Mreh- Sans, negative; Death; Spiritual Death
Na Avahey Jahi- Cycle
Translation: In what manner does one acquire spiritual birth, avoid spiritual death and liberate oneself from the
cycle of it? II
Nanak, Gurmukh Man Samjhahey II 52 II
Gurmukh (w/ sihari)- From the Guru’s mind; messages of the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Man- Mind
Samjhahey- Advice (Lit); guide
Translation: Nanak, the Spirituality of the Shabad guides my mind (towards the mentioned issues) II52II
Above Issues Raised by Guru Nanak (not Sidhs):
Verse 2 Anhat Sunn Kha Tay Hoee In what manner does the Creator within get realized?
Verse 3 Anhat Sunn Rtay Say Kaisay In what manner does one imbue the Creator within?
Verse 4 Jis Tay Upjay Tis Hi Jaisay In what manner does one become (Virtues of) the
Verse 5 Oay Janm Na Mreh Na Avahey Jahi In what manner does one acquire spiritual birth, avoid
spiritual death and liberate oneself from the cycle of it?
Pauree 53
Nao Sar Subhar Dasvai Pooray II
Nao- Nine (pathways to awareness) (Lit); senses
Sar- head (Lit); leader (of senses); mind
Subhar- Su + Bhar; full to brim, complete
Dasvai- Tenth (pathway) (Lit); conscience
Pooray- whole (as opposed to Adhura)
Translation: When my senses and my mind submit completely and wholly to my conscience II
Tah Anhat Sunn Vajaveh Tooray II
Tah- Then, in that situation
Anhat- An + Hat- sound without a strike (Lit); Metaphysical; voice of the conscience
Sunn- Creator
Vajaveh- playing of an instrument (Lit)
Tooray- instrument (Lit)
Vajavey Tooray- the melody plays (Lit); music to the ears; idiomatic- compliance in bliss
Translation: Then, my mind blissfully complies with the voice of my conscience as the command of the Creator
within II
Saachai Raachay Daykh Hajooray II
Saachai- Creator
Raachay- Imbued
Daykh- see (Lit); realize
Hajooray- from Haazar Nazaar; presence within
Translation: In so doing, my mind is imbued in realization of the Creator’s presence within II
Ghat Ghat Sach Rahia Bharpuray II
Ghat Ghat- Within all
Sach- Creator
Rahia- remail (Lit); existence
Bharpuray- Bhar +Purey- Full + Complete; all
Translation: Realize the Creator is in existence and within the entirety of His Creation II
Gupti Banni Pargat Hoay II
Gupti- hidden (Lit); silenced
Banni- sound (Lit); voice
Pargat- exposed (Lit); manifest
Hoay- Becomes
Translation: The voice of my silenced conscience has become manifest II
Nanak Parakh Laey Sach Soey II 53 II
Parakh- Measure of Value; worth
Laey- Taken (Lit); determine
Sach- Creator
Soey- This way; such
Translation: Nanak, the worth of Divine spirituality is determined this way (awakened conscience) II53II
Pauree 54
Sahj Bhaey Mileeaiy Sukh Hovai II
Sahj- Intuitive
Bhaey- State
Mileeaiy- meet, obtain (Lit); realize
Sukh- Bliss
Hovai- becomes, obtained
Translation: Spiritual bliss is obtained through the intuitive/innate realization of the Creator II
Gurmukh Jagai Neind Na Sovai II
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- from the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad, spirituality of the Shabad
Jagai- awakened (Lit); Enlightened
Neind- sleep (Lit); ignorance
Na Sovai- asleep (Lit); slumber
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad enlightens and awakens me from the slumber of ignorance II
Sunn Shabad Aprumpur Dharaiy II
Sunn- Creator
Shabad (w/aungkar)- nominative noun, subject of Aprumpur, message within shabad
Aprumpur- Unfathomable (Lit); Creator
Dharaiy- Internalize
Translation: The Creator-connecting messages within the Shabad allows my conscience to internalize Him II
Kahtay Mukat Shabad Nistaraiy II
Kahtay- Discourse
Mukat- freedom (Lit); emancipation
Shabad (w/sihari)- messages within the shabad
Nistaraiy- takes one across (Lit); achieve one’s objective; attain the goal
Translation: The Shabad’s discourse is liberating, the messages within helps one to achieve life’s objective II
Gur Kee Deekhia Say Sach Ratay II
Gur Kee- Of the Guru (shabad)
Deekhia- messages; advice; counsel
Say- Through
Sach- Creator
Ratay- Imbue
Translation: I am imbued with the Creator’s presence within through the counsel of the Guru II
Nanak Aap Gavaey Milan Nhee Bhratay II 54 II
Aap- Self (Lit); mind
Gavaey- lose (Lit); relegated
Milan- meet (Lit); realize within
Nhee- Negate
Bhratay- From Bhatkan- aimless wandering
Nanak, in realizing the Creator’s presence within, the endless wandering of my mind has ended II54II
Pauree 55
Kbudh Chavavaiy So Kit Thaey II
Kbudh- Negative + intellect; destructive mindset
Chavavaiy- Keep far (Lit); eliminate
So- Such, that
Kit Thaey- what place (Lit); through what method
Translation: By what method is a destructive mindset eliminated? II
Kio Tat Na Boojhai Chota Khaey II
Kio- why
Tat- essence (Lit), core, quintessence, Creator
Na Boojhai- not realize
Chota- hits (Lit), struck
Khaey- bear (Lit); suffer
Chota Khaey- idiomatic for suffering
Translation: Why does such a mindset suffer in the non-realization of the Creator within? II
Jam Dar Badhay Koay Na Rakhaiy II
Jam- soldiers of death (Lit); vices (spiritual death)
Dar- a) door, b) court; presence
Badhay- tied (Lit); engulfed
Jam Dar Badhey- suffer spiritual death in vices
Koay Na- No one
Rakhaiy- Protect; survive; escape
Translation: Why does such a mindset suffer an inescapable spiritual death engulfed in vices? II
Bin Sabdai Nahee Pat Sakhaiy II
Bin Sabdai- Sans the spirituality of the Shabad
Nahee- Negate
Pat- dignity (Lit); spiritual worth
Sakhaiy- trust
Translation: Why is it that without the Shabad our spirituality is unworthy? II
Kio Kar Boojhai Pavai Par II
Kio Kar- How does
Boojhai- Realize
Pavai- Attain
Par- the other side (Lit); goal, objective, success
Translation: How would such a mindset realize spiritual success? II
Nanak Manmukh Na Bujhai Gvar II 55 II
Manmukh (w/sihari)- antonym of Gurmukh, Spirituality of the self, without the Shabad
Na Bujhai- No realization
Gvar- devoid of awareness
Translation: Nanak, a spirituality without the Shabad is devoid of awareness and realization II55II
Pauree 56
Kubudh Mitai Gur Shabad Bichar II
Kubudh- negative + intellect; destructive mindset
Mitai- Eliminate
Gur Shabad (w/aungkar)- message within Shabad
Bichar- Discourse
Translation: A destructive mindset is eliminated by discoursing the messages within the Shabad II
Satgur Bhaytai Mokh Duar II
Satgur- Sat + Gur; Creator + Shabad’s messages; Creator-connecting messages
Bhaytai- Submit
Mokh- liberate (Lit), free
Duar- door (Lit), path
Mokh Duar- Unobstructed Spirituality
Spiritual path = liberation= realization of the Creator within
Translation: Submitting to the Creator-connecting messages within the Shabad liberates one’s spiritual path II
Tat Na Cheenai Manmukh Jal Jaey II
Tat- Essence (Lit); Creator (essence of spirituality)
Cheenai- to see (Lit); realize within
Manmukh- opposite of Gurmukh (spirituality of Shabad); without spirituality of the Shabad
Jal Jaey- burn (Lit); engulf (in vices)
Translation: Without the Shabad, Creator remains unrealized, the mind remains engulfed in vices II
Durmat Vichhurr Chota Khaey II
Durmat- antonym of Gurmat; Dur + Mat= Negative + intellect; spirituality of the Self
Vichhurr- Separate (Lit); non realized state
Chota Khaey- Idiomatic for suffering
Translation: Our spirituality remains unworthy as it suffers from non-realization without the Shabad II
Manai Hukam Sbhey Gun Gian II
Manai- Believe & Accept (Lit); Internalize
Sbhey- All (Lit); Complete
Gun- Virtues
Sbhey Gun- Divine Virtues
Gian- Knowledge (Lit); Realization
Translation: Spiritual success is the Realization of Divine Virtues and internalization of his Hukam II
Nanak Dargah Paavai Man II 56 II
Dargah- Court (Lit); Conscience
Paavai- Obtain, earn, provide
Man- Dignity, honor
Translation: Nanak, the spirituality of the Shabad provides my conscience the honor of Realization II56II
Pauree 57
Sach Vakhar Dhan Palai Hoey II
Sach- The one who is in existence; Creator
Vakhar- merchandise (Lit)
Dhan- wealth (Lit)
Vakhar Dhan- wealth-producing merchandise; Divine Virtues
Palai Hoey- in possession (Lit), invest in; Internalize
Translation: Possession of (Internalizing) the Divine Virtues II
Aap Tarey Taray Bhi Soey II
Aap (w/sihari)- within one’s self
Tarey- swim across (Lit); reach one’s goal/destination; Realization of the Creator within
Taray- cause to swim across (Lit); cause to reaching one’s goal
Bhi- Also
Soey- That, those
Translation: One Realizes the Creator Within on account of the Divine Virtues II
Sehj Rata Bujhai Pat Hoey II
Sehj- Intuitive
Rata- Imbued, imbibe
Bujhai- Realize
Pat Hoey- dignified (Lit); praiseworthy
Translation: The intuitive imbuing of Divine Virtues and their realization within is praiseworthy spirituality II
Ta Ki Kimat Karai Na Koi II
Ta Ki- of which
Kimat- value (Lit); worth
Karai- to make (Lit); do; estimate
No Koey- cannot be done (Lit); not possible
Translation: The worth of spirituality (based on Divine Virtues) is beyond estimation II
Jah Daykha Teh Rahia Samaey II
Jah-wherever (Lit)
Daykha- see (Lit)
Teh- there (Lit)
Jeh Daykha Teh- The one who is everywhere I see; idiomatic for Omnipresence
Rahia- remain (Lit)
Samaey- Imbued, imbibe
Translation: In such spirituality, I remain imbued in the Omnipresent Creator II
Nanak Par Parey Sach Bhaey II 57 II
Par Parey- reached the other side; destination of spirituality; Realization within
Sach- The one who is in existence; the Creator
Bhaey- Desires (Lit), wishes, Blessings
Translation: Nanak, Realization of the Creator within is in His blessings II57II
Pauree 58
So Shabad Ka Kaha Vas Kathialay Jit Tariai Bhavjal Sansaro II
So Shabad Ka- The Shabad that
Kaha Vas- Location
Kathhialay- from Katha- Narrate; say
Jit- Which
Tariai- swim across (Lit); successful outcome
Bhavjal- Ocean (Lit); Spiritual Journey
Sansaro- world (Lit); life
Translation: Where does the Shabad that is said to result in successful spirituality reside? II
Trai Sat Angul Vaee Kahiaiy Tis Kho Kvan Adharo II
Trai Sat Angul (Yogic concept)- three and seven, ten fingers (Lit); breathing (life length of 10 fingers); source of
spiritual life
Vaee- air, breath (Lit); the root of spiritual life
Kahiaiy- It is said to be
Tis Kho- That which
Kvan Adharo- What basis, which basis
Translation: What is the basis of the Shabad that is said to be the source and root of spiritual life? II
Bolai Khaylai Asthir Hovai Kio Kar Alakh Lakhaey II
Bolai Khaylai- Speaking and playing (Lit); conducting spiritual life
Asthir- Permanent; noncyclic, steadfast
Hovai- Brings about
Kio Kar- In what way; how
Alakh- Creator
Lakhaey- write into (Lit); Realize
Translation: How does the Shabad bring about steadfastness towards realization of the Creator in the conduct
of spirituality? II
Sunn Suami Sach Nanak Parannvai Apnnay Mun Samjhaey II
Sunn (w/sihari)- by listening (Lit); Sidh concept (L2)
Suami- Master, Lord
Sach- Creator
Paranvai- Pray, request (Benti)
Apnay- Self
Man- Mind
Samjhaey- understand (Lit); enlighten
Translation: Nanak, pray tell us how listening to the Shabad enlightens the Self towards the Creator Master II
Gurmukh Sabday Sach Liv Lagai Kar Nadree Mayl Milaey II
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- from the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Sabday- through the shabad
Sach- Creator
Liv Lagai- Brings into focus
Kar Nadree- Creates/ brings about blessings
Mayl Milaey- Realization
Translation: The spirituality of the Creator-focused Shabad creates blessings of his Realization within II
Apay Dana Apay Bina Purai Bhag Samaey II 58 II
Apay- Self
Dana- Knowing
Bina- Realizing
Purai- Complete (Lit); Creator
Bhag- Blessings
Samaey- Imbue, Imbibe
Translation: Self Knowing and Realizing of the Creator-focused Shabad imbues the Creator’s blessings II58II
Pauree 59
So Shabad Ko Nirantar Vas Alkhung Jeh Daykha Tah Soee II
So Shabad- That Shabad
Ko- Has been, is
Nirantar- deep within (Lit); inner recesses, conscience
Vas- reside (Lit); located
Alkhung- Creator
Jeh Daykha Tah Soee- everywhere I can see (Lit); Omnipresent
Translation: That Omnipresent Creator linking Shabad is located within the conscience II
Pavan Ka Vasa Sunn Nivasa Akal Kla Dhar Soee II
Pavan- air (Lit); Shabad
Vasa- reside (Lit); location
Sunn- Creator (L3 Gurmat meaning)
Nivasa- residence (Lit); location
Akal- Indivisible
Kla Dhar- Bearer of all Virtues; virtue-laden
Soee- that same (location)
Translation: The location of the Shabad is the same as that of the indivisible and virtue-laden Creator II
Nadar Karey Shabad Ghat Meh Vasai Vicho Bharm Gavaey II
Nadar- Blessings
Karey- Do, receive
Ghat Meh- inside (Lit); conscience within
Vasai- reside (Lit); located
Vicho- from within
Bharm- doubt, duality
Gavaey- eliminate
Translation: Steadfastness is the elimination of duality within, receiving the blessings (enlightenment) of the
Shabad located within the conscience II
Tan Mun Nirmal Nirmal Bani Namo Mun Vasaey II
Tan- Senses
Mun- Mind
Nirmal- Nir + mael- Divine
Bani- Shabad
Namo- Divine Virtues
Mun Vasaey- located in the mind (Lit); realization
Translation: The Enlightenment is that the mind and senses become Divine upon realization of Divine Virtues
through the Divine Shabad II
Shabad Guru Bhavsagar Tariaiy Et Ut Eko Jannaiy II
Shabad (w/sihari)- messages within the Shabad
Bhavsagar- Ocean (Lit); spiritual life
Tariaiy- swim across (Lit); success; achieving goals
Et Ut- This moment and the next; present and future; all times; Omnipresent
Eko- One Creator
Jannaiy- Realize
Translation: The messages within the Shabad bring about the attainment of the spiritual goal of Realization of
the One Omnipresent Creator II
Chihun Varan Nahi Chhaiya Maya Nanak Shabad Pachanaiy II 59 II
Chihun Varan- make and mark (Lit); idiomatic for distinct nature
Nahi- None
Chhaiya Maya- Shadow of the temporal world (Lit); Illusion
Shabad Pachanaiy- Realize the Shabad
Translation: Nanak, the Realization of the messages of the Shabad eliminates the illusion that I (my
conscience) am distinct from the Creator II59II
Pauree 60
Trey Sat Angul Vaee Audhu Sunn Sach Aharo II
Trey Sat Angul- three and seven, ten fingers (Lit); Source of spiritual life
Vaee- Air, Breath
Trey Sat Angul Vaee- (Source/Origin of life, L2 Yogic); Source of Spiritual Life (L3 Gurmat)
Audhu- Enlightened
Sunn Sach- Creator (L3 Gurmat)
Aharo- Food (Lit); sustenance
Translation: The Creator is the Source of my spiritual life, enlightenment and sustenance II
Gurmukh Bolai Tat Birolai Cheenai Alukh Aparo II
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- from within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Bolai- speaks (Lit); narrates
Tat- Real, essence
Birolai- explore (Lit); attain
Cheenai- recognize (Lit); realize
Alukh- Creator
Aparo- Unfathomable
Translation: The essence of the narrative of the spirituality of the Shabad is attaining realization of the
unfathomable Creator II
Trey Gunn Maytai Shabad Vsaey Ta Mun Chukai Ahankaro II
Trey Gunn- Ida, Pingula, Sukhmna (L2 3 cardinal pathways in Sidh beliefs); Methods other than Shabad (L3)
Maytai- eliminate
Shabad Vsaey- Realize the messages of the Shabad
Mun- Mind
Chukai- eliminate
Ahankaro- Ego
Translation: Realization of the Shabad eliminates ego and the need for spiritual methods other than the
Shabad II
Antar Bahur Eko Jannai Ta Har Nam Lgai Pyaro II
Antar- Within
Bahur- Without; external
Eko- One Creator
Jannai- Realize
Har Nam- Divine Virtues
Lgai Pyaro- with love (Lit); Realize, become
Translation: Realization of the Shabad brings realization of One Creator by becoming Divine Virtues II
Discussion: Understanding Yogism (Source: Gyaan Sarodya)
Three main vessels: Left (Ida) , Right (Pingla), center (Sukhmana)
One goes to left nostril, the other to right nostril. The one that goes to the Brain is called Sukhmana
Sukhmana goes to Dasam Dwaar (10th Gate)
Soul travels through Sukhmana vessel at time of death for the soul to leave the body
These are Yogic Beliefs, Not Gurmat principles, Sidhs brought up topic so Guru Nanak is answering them
Sukhmana Ida Pingla Bujhai Ja Apay Alakh Lkhaey II
Sukhmana, Ida, Pingla- names of primary bodily pathways, cardinal pathways of Sidh/Yogi beliefs
Bujhai- Understand, evaluates
Apay- Self
Alakh- Creator
Lakhaey- write into (Lit); Realize
Translation: One evaluates (the worth of) spiritual pathways Sukhmana, Ida, Pingla (other than Shabad), upon
realizing the Creator within the Self II
Nanak Teh Tay Upar Sacha Satgur Shabad Smaey II 60 II
Teh Tay- From these
Upar- above, higher
Sacha- Creator
Satgur- Creator-connecting
Shabad (w/sihari)- messages within the Shabad
Smaey- Realizes
Translation: Nanak, the evaluation is that realization of the Creator through Creator-connecting messages
within the Shabad is of higher standing than these other pathways II60II
Pauree 61
Man Ka Jio Pvun Kathialay Pvun Kha Ras Khayi II
Man Ka- of the mind
Jio- life
Pvun- air, breath (Lit); root, source; Shabad
Kathialay- comes from Katha- narrate, say
Kha- where from
Ras- essence
Khayi- abyss (Lit); origin
Translation: The Shabad is narrated as the Life-source of the Spiritual mind; what is the Source of the
Shabad’s essence? II
Gian Ki Mudra Kvun Audhu Sidh Ki Kvun Kmayi II
Gian- Enlightenment
Mudra- Means, method
Kvun- What
Audhu Sidh Ke- Of exalted spirituality
Kmayi- earned (Lit); realized
Translation: What is the method of enlightenment? How is exalted spirituality realized? II
Bin Shabdai Ras Na Avai Audhu Haumai Pias Na Jayi II
Bin Shabdai- Sans the Shabad
Ras- Essence
Na Avai- Cannot be obtained
Audhu- Exalted
Haumai- Self; mind
Pias- thirst (Lit); desire
Na Jayi- Cannot be eliminated
Translation: Sans the Shabad, the essence of exalted spirituality is not obtained and the desires of the Self
(mind) remain intact II
Shabad Rtay Amrit Ras Paiya Sachay Rhay Aghayi II
Shabad (w/sihari)- messages within the shabad
Rtay- imbued
Shabad Rtay- Becoming the messages of the Shabad
Amrit- A + Mrit- immortal, eternal
Ras Paiya- Essence is Realized
Sachay- Creator
Rhay- Remain
Aghayi- Satiated (Lit); Realized
Translation: Eternal essence (of spirituality) is realized by becoming the messages of the Shabad, and I remain
Realized of the Creator Within II
Two Points Worth Noting:
1) Question had the word Pavan. Answer has word Shabad, Pavan = Gur Shabad
2) The Sidhs are asking based on philosophy/belief in power of mantra: recitation, time, manner, no of
syllables, direction being faced, position, breathing, etc ( All Rejected by Guru Nanak)
Kavan Budh Jit Asthir Raheiy Kit Bhojan Triptasai II
Kavan- What, which
Budh- state of mind
Asthir- permanent; eternal
Raheiy- remain
Bhojan- food (Lit); essence
Triptasai- satiated (Lit); realized
Translation: What state of mind allows it to remain in realization of the Eternal Essence (of Spirituality)? II
Nanak Dukh Sukh Sam Kar Japai Satgur Tay Kal Na Grasay II 61 II
Dukh- Sorrow
Sukh- Joy
Sam Kar- on par
Dukh Sukh Sam Kar- above temporal trappings
Japai- Realize
Satgur Tay- Creator Connecting
Kal- 3 meanings in Gurbani: Time, Age (Life), Death
Na Grasay- Spent
Kal Na Grasay- Eternal
Translation: Nanak, Realization of the Creator-connecting Guru (shabad) liberated my mind of temporal
trappings towards Eternal Spirituality II61II
Pauree 62
Rang Na Rata Ras Nahi Mata II
Rang (w/sihari)- Love of the Creator (Lit); Devotion
Rata- Imbued
Ras- Essence
Mata- Permeated
Translation: Not being imbued in Creator- Realized Devotion (Spirituality)… II
Bin Gur Shabdai Jal Bal Tata II
Bin- Sans
Gur Shabdai- messages of the Shabad
Jal- burn
Bal- cinder
Jal Bal- destruct
Tata- Essence
Translation: And not being imbued in the messages of the Shabad; the Essence of Creator-Realizing
Spirituality is destructed II
Bind Na Rakhia Shabad Na Bhakhia II
Bind- Essence, Crux, Core, Quintessence
Rakhia- Kept (Lit); Acquired
Bhakhia- Consume (Lit); Adopting
Translation: Not acquiring the essence of Creator- Realized Spirituality and not adopting messages of the
Shabad… II
Pavan Na Sadhia Sach Na Aradhia II
Pavan- Breath (Lit); source of life, Shabad
Sadhia- from Sedh ,Sadh – Bring in line, align
Sach- Creator
Aradhia- Realized
Translation: My spirituality remains un-aligned with the Shabad; and my Creator un-realized II
Akath Katha Lay Sam Kar Rhaiy II
Akath- Beyond narrative; Creator
Katha- Narration, messages
Akath Katha- Narrative of the Creator; Shabad
Lay- Adopt
Sam- equal; on par
Kar- do
Rhaiy- live (Lit); spiritual life; spirituality
Sam Kar Rahey- Become
Translation: My spirituality has Become the Shabad II
Tao Nanak Atum Ram Kao Lhaiy II 62 II
Tao- Then
Atum- Conscience
Ram- Omnipresent Creator
Lhaiy- Obtain (Lit); Realize Within
Translation: Nanak, this is how the Omnipresent Creator is Realized within my conscience II62II
Pauree 63
Gur Parsadi Rangay Rata II
Gur Parsadi- Blessing of the Shabad Guru (Lit); Enlightenment
Rangay- Love of the Creator (Lit); Devotion
Rata- Imbued
Translation: I am imbued in devotion through the enlightenment of the Shabad II
Amrit Pia Sachay Mata II
Amrit- A + Mrit- Immortal (Lit); Eternal
Pia- consumed (Lit); adopted
Sachay- Creator
Mata- Permeated, Imbued
Translation: I am eternally permeated in the Creator’s Realization II
Gur Vichari Agan Nivari II
Gur- Messages of the Guru Shabad
Vichari- Discourse
Agan- Fire; desire (temporal)
Nivari- Doused; under control
Translation: Discoursing the messages of the Shabad puts temporal desires within control II
Apeo Pio Aatam Sukh Dhari II
Apeo- Immortal (Lit); Eternal
Pio- Consume (Lit); adopt
Aatam- Spiritual
Sukh- Joy
Dhari- Acquired
Translation: Adopting the eternal discourse of the Shabad accorded me spiritual joy II
Sach Aradhia Gurmukh Tar Tari II
Sach- Creator
Aradhia- Realise
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- from within the Guru’s mind; messages within the Shabad, spirituality of the Shabad
Tar Tari- swim across (Lit); meeting spiritual objectives
Translation: The Shabad allowed me to meet my spiritual objective of Realizing the Creator Within II
Nanak Bujhai Ko Vichari II 63 II
Bujhai- Realized
Ko- Upon
Vichari- Discourse; Contemplate
Translation: Nanak, Such realization is upon contemplation (of the Shabad’s messages) II63II
Pauree 64
Eh Man Maigal Kha Basi-alay Kha Bsai Eh Pavnaa II
Eh Man- This mind
Maigal- Self-imbued. Har gal vich mai- Essence of mind (self)
Kha- In what manner
Basi-alay- reside
Pavnaa- air, breath (Lit); root, source, essence; Shabad
Translation: How does the essence of the mind (Self) and essence of Shabad co-reside? II
Kha Bsai So Shabad Aodhu Ta Kao Chukai Man Ka Bahvna II
Kha Bsai- In what manner
So Shabad- That Shabad
Aodhu- Enlightened, Exalted
Ta Kao- As a result of
Chukai- Remove, eliminate
Man- Mind
Bhavna- in motion; unsettled
Translation: How does the exalted (enlightened) Shabad settle the mind (so that both can co-reside)? II
Nadr Kray Ta Satgur Maylay Ta Nij Ghar Vasa Eh Man Paeay II
Nadr- grace (Lit); Grace of Shabad is enlightenment
Kray- perform, do, undertake; allow
Satgur- Creator connecting shabad guru
Maylay- Realization
Nij Ghar- personal home (Lit); within
Eh Man- This mind
Paeay- Receives, obtains
Translation: Realizing the enlightenment of the Creator-connecting Shabad within the mind settles it II
Apei Ap Khaey Ta Nirmal Hovai Dhavat Varj Rhaeay II
Apei- Self (the mind, ego)
Ap (w/aungkar)- Essence of the mind (self, ego)
Khaey- eat, consume (Lit); eliminate, free itself
Nirmal- Nir + mael- free from infliction
Hovai- Becomes
Dhavat- Unsettled
Varaj- Prevent, free from
Rhaeay- State of being
Translation: With the enlightenment of the Shabad, the mind frees itself from the infliction of its own essence
(the Ego Self) and its unsettled state II
Kio Mool Pachhanai Atam Janai Kio Sus Ghar Soor Smavai II
Kio- How
Mool- Source, origin; Creator
Pachhanai- Realize
Atam- soul (Lit); conscience
Janai- Realize
Sus- moon, darkness (Lit); unenlightened
Ghar (w/sihari)- within the mind
Soor- Sun (Lit); enlightenment
Smavai- reside (Lit); imbibe
Translation: How does the unenlightened mind imbue the enlightenment (of the Shabad) to realize the Creator
within the conscience? II
Gurmukh Haumai Vichho Khovai Tao Nanak Sehj Smavai II 64 II
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- From the Guru’s mind, messages of the Shabad, Spirituality of the Shabad
Haumai- Ego, essence of the mind
Vichho Khovai- Eliminate from within
Sehj- State of enlightenment within
Smavai- reside (Lit), imbibe
Translation: The Spirituality of the Shabad eliminated the essence of my mind (Ego) and imbued state of
enlightenment within II64II
Pauree 65
Eh Man Nihchal Hirdai Vasialay Gurmukh Mool Pechhan Rhei II
Eh Man- This mind
Nihchal- Nih + Chal (motion)- non transient; permanent
Hirdai- Within the mind
Vasialay- reside (Lit)
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- From the Guru’s mind; messages of the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Mool- root, origin; rooted
Pechhan Rhei- Realizes
Translation: The Spirituality of the Shabad enables its essence to be rooted within the mind permanently II
Nabh Pavn Ghar Aasan Baisai Gurmukh Khojat Tat Lahai II
Nabh- navel (Lit); origin, root; essence
Pavn- air (Lit), breath; Shabad
Ghar (w/ sihari)- mind
Aasan Baisai- sit on throne (Lit); reign
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- From the Guru’s mind; messages of the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Khojat- seek (Lit); walk the path
Tat- Essence
Lahai- Realize
Translation: The essence of the Shabad gets realized and reigns in the mind that walks the Shabad’s path II
So Shabad Nirantar Nij Ghar Achhai Tribhavan Jot So Shabad Lahai II
So Shabad- The Shabad
Nirantar- Nir + antar- without difference, without distinction
Nij Ghar- personal home (Lit); within
Achhai- is
Tribhavan- Tri + Bhavan- past, present and future- at all times; eternally
Jot- Essence
So Shabad (w/ sihari) – of the shabad
Lahai- Realize
Translation: It reigns because the essence of the Shabad is realized within eternally and without distinction
(becomes the essence of the mind) II
Khavai Dookh Bhookh Sachay Kee Sachay Hee Triptas Rahei II
Khavai- eat, consume (Lit); eliminate
Dookh- Pain, sorrow
Bhookh- hunger (Lit); desire (pleasure)
Dookh Bhookh- afflictions of the essence of mind (Ego);
Sachay Kee, Sachey Hee- Pertaining solely to the Creator
Triptas- Satiated, fulfilled
Rahei- Remain
Translation: This is because afflictions of the mind are eliminated and it remains satiated solely in matters
pertaining to the Creator’s realization II
Anhad Bani Gurmukh Janni Birlo Ko Arthavai II
Anhad- unstruck (Lit)
Bani- utterance, sound (Lit)
Anhad Bani- Voice of the conscience within
Gurmukh (w/sihari)- From the Guru’s mind; messages of the Shabad; Spirituality of the Shabad
Janni- know (Lit); awareness
Birlo- Rare, few
Arthavai- understood (Lit); realized
Translation: The spirituality of the Shabad brings about awareness/awakening of the conscience, whose
realization is rare indeed II
Nanak Akhai Sach Subhakhai Sach Rpai Rang Kabhu Na Javai II 65 II
Sach (w/ aungkar)-nominative noun, (w/sihari) – Creator
Subhakhai- Su + Bhakhai- His language, his command
Rpai- imbued
Rang- Love
Kabhu Na Javai- Permanent, forever, eternal
Translation: Nanak, I am imbued eternally in Love with the Creator’s command as the voice/director of my
conscience II65II
Pauree 66
Ja Eh Hirda Dayh Na Hoti Tao Man Kaithay Rehta II
Ja Eh- When this, since this (jadoh eh)
Hirda- Hir + da, Hir Jan Vali, destructible
Dayh- physical body
Hirda Dayh- perishable physical self
Na Hoti- Is not it; is immaterial
Man- mind (Lit); conscience
Kaithay- Where; location
Rehta- Reside
Translation: Since this physical self is of no matter in spirituality then where does one locate the conscience? II
Nabh Kamal Asthambh Na Hoto Taa Pavan Kavan Ghar Sahtaa II
Nabh- navel (Lit); root of breath in yogic belief system
Kamal- lotus (Lit); metaphor for spirituality
Asthambh- support, base, pillar
Na Hoto- Is not it; is immaterial
Pavan- source of life
Kavan- How, in what way
Ghar- Residence, location
Sahtaa- Sustained
Translation: If the breath as the base and root of spiritual life is of no matter (to spirituality) then how is it
sustained? II
Roop Na Hoto Raykh Na Kayee Ta Shabad Kha Liv Laee II
Roop- Form
Na Hoto- Is not it
Raykh- Structure
Na Kayee- Is not it
Roop & Raykh- poetic for physical
Shabad (w/ Sihari)- messages within the Shabad
Kha- How, in what manner
Liv Laee- Focus upon
Translation: If our physical is of no matter (to spirituality) then how are messages within the Shabad focused
upon? II
Rakat Bind Ki Marhee Na Hotee Mit Keemat Nahi Payi II
Rakat Bind Kee- of blood and bodily fluids (Lit)
Marhee- Structure, tomb (Lit); physical body
Na Hoti- is not it
Mit- Extent
Keemat- Value
Payi- Determined
Translation: If our physical is of no matter and is determined to be of no value (to spirituality)… II
Varn Bhaykh Asroop Na Japi Kio Kar Japs Sacha II
Varn- Caste (Lit)
Bhaykh- Outlook (Lit)
Asroop- Form (Lit)
Varn Bhaykh Asroop- the entirety/ essence of physical
Na Japi- Is not realized
Kio Kar- how then
Japs- Realize
Sacha- Creator
Translation: How is the Creator realized in the absence of physical realization/form? II
Nanak Nam Rtay Bairagi Eb Tab Sacho Sacha II 66 II
Nam- Virtues
Rtay- Imbued
Bairaagi- Love
Eb- This
Tab- Then
Sacho- Of the Creator, of the Divine
Sacha- Creator
Translation: Nanak, the Realization of the Creator is thru imbuing the Love of Divine Virtues II66II
Pauree 67