Jup Banee – Videos by Dr. Karminder Singh Dhillon in Written Form
Jup (Jap) Ji Sahib Translations
By: Dr Karminder Singh Dhillon Compilation sewa by: Dr. Gagandeep Kaur Bhasin
- Understanding Jup Gurbani
- Needing to unlearn/widen the space in mind with new ideas- cognitive dissonance
- Summary Bani of Guru Nanak’s teachings (Abstract)
- Title Bani- What can you make out of a title? Title is to be read in context of book
- Full understanding comes from entire text 1429 pages;
- Most explained Bani; 250+ translations, voluminous kathas (Live & Recorded)
- Jap Ji is not a beginner bani even though it is the first bani in SGSS; First ≠ Easy
- First Bani we learn as a child, first bani to memorize
- Last Bani of First Guru (written last phase of his life)
- It is a complex bani, most explained but least understood
- Concise, brevity, idiomatic, contextual
- Probability of misinterpretation is high
- 70 years of Nanak’s spirituality condensed in this Bani
- Nanak Gaaya Jaape Jaye II I have walked this path, now you take the knowledge and walk the path
- 240 years of Sikhi summarized; Abridged
- Teekas (Translations)
- Vedantic School (Vedic scholars)
- Nirmala/Udasi tradition (followers of Sri Chand) Vedic + Sakhi based- took over Sikh psyche during Shaheedi times 1715
- Sampardayee Vedic + Sakhi + Taksali explanation
- Spinoffs; Sant Singh (3HO)
- Viakran (Grammar) Tradition; Prof Sahib Singh 1963
- Problem Statement
- What was the original intent?- Must lie within Gurbani
- Sikh philosophy lost in translation
- Methodology: Gurbani Grammar (Literal) + Gurbani Context = Gurbani Derived Meaning
- Gurbani Framework of Analysis
- Textual interpretation- understood within the text, structure, rules principle of the writer
- Rahao is the title within the Bani
- Internal validity- Valid for entire text (comparison done w/in the text)
- Internal reliability- Consistency of meaning
- Gurbani must be used to explain Gurbani
- Gurbani grammar is crucial
- Coherent explanation
- Central Point Theory- Every shabad is a coherent argument, you figure out the central point
- Connected to Rahao- 3 contextual meanings
- Title in reading, in musical score: Chorus
- Start with Rahao to understand the verse/shabad
- Illustration Theory- example of central point; Chorus is the message
- Whole Shabad Theory- gist of entire shabad; Main issue
- Cross Reference Theory- Banis complement and supplement each other
- Validation of Contextual Theory
- Universality, Wholesomeness of SGGS- specificity is ruled out
- Challenges
- Difficult- unlearning process must precede relearning
- Sway (Pakar) of existing traditions (story based is attractive)
- Anti-thesis to Sakhi based understanding- Gurbani is convergent, Sakhi is Divergent, versions
- Exposes our shortcomings vis-a-viz our understanding of SGGS
- Contradicts much/all that we “know”
- Various forms of Manglacharan/ Mool Mantra
- Full version :33
- Ek Oangkar Sat Nam Karta Purakh Gurparsad: 9
- Ek Oangkar Sat Naam Gurparsad:2
- Ek Oangkar Sat Gurparsaad : 524
- Total 568
- Nowhere in SGGS is the word Mool or Mantar found
- Mangla Charan is the alternative label
- Meaning:
- Opening Prayer
- Obeissance of writer
- Vedic/Sanatan texts (Saraswati Devi)
- Creates problem of two different writers
- SGGS Compiled by Guru Arjun but composed by Guru Nanak- Cannot be mangla charan
- Cannot be a prayer
- Why are labels important?
- Define Concepts
- Define Usage- means to an end; Bani is end in itself; Sikhi is about changing things internally; accepting the Hukam
- Define Thought Process- makes Sikhi Vedic, Yogic
- Must get them right
- What is the problem with Mool Mantra as a label?
- Meant for Chanting; continuum of Jantra-instrument, Mantra- w/o instrument external change, Tantra- power of mind, focus, projection of thoughts
- Jup, Simran, Naam defined as mantra too
- Chanting as a Sikhi practice (Sikhs erroneously have accepted this)
- JUP is Godly Realization not chant, written in Jup Bani itself
- Taste/State is in the mind, not in the tongue
- Outcomes
- Corruption of Gurmat Concepts Jup, Simran- reduced to chanting
- Corruption of Naam- reduced to proper name, God has virtues- God is fearless so Gurmukh becomes fearless- Jup is about BECOMING
- Jup is reduced to Chanting (Ruttun, repetition)
- Defines Simran as calculated chanting
- Naam became object of chanting
- What do we call it?
- Preamble of SGGS
- Not a part of Jup Bani
- What is the meaning according to Gurbani?
- Jup
- Simran
- Mool
- Mantra
- Naam
- Vaheguru as Name of God
- Guru Nanak 947 Shabads, 5,600 verses in SGGS; No of times Vaheguru used in SGGS = 0
- Guru Angad 63 Shabads, 250 verses in SGGS; No of x’s = 0
- Guru Amar Das 869 Shabads, 5,100 verses, No of x’s = 0
- Guru Ramdas 638 Shabads, 3800 verses, No if x’s = 0
- Guru Arjun Dev Ji 2313 Shabads, 13,900 verses, No of x’s = 0
- Guru Teg Bahadur, 115 Shabads, 690 verses, No of x’s = 0
- Bhagat Banee 788 Shabads, 4000 verses, No of x’s = 0
- Banee of Sikhs, 11 Shabads, 100 verses, No of x’s = 0
- Total 5714 Shabads, 30,000 verses, No of x’s = 0
- SGGS 1083 – descriptive names, all his names are virtues
- He has no proper name
- His names are given by his children (Bhagats) – as their perception (adjectives)
- All his names are Kirtem (his doings)
- All such perceived virtues are acceptable- we created the names
- One Virtue cannot be superior to that of another
- His primary virtue within Gurbani is Sat from Sanskrit- Permanently in Existence
- The debate of his “one” name is futile & rejected
- All names are acceptable and used in SGGS
- Banee of 10 bhats= Vaheguru used 4 x’s in 123 Saveaye; SGGS 1402
- Context: Bhattan Dey Swayeay: Praise of Guru Arjun: Yoshodra (mother)/ Krishna Followers
- Two words: Vah -Persian Guru- Sanskrit
- Vah is exclamation, involuntary; forced utterance is ritualistic
- What word did the Bhats use for God’s name is SGGS? SGGS 1404
- Words are used to call out/ refer to Guru ji- what for?
- Used to express greatness, magnificence, Awe, on what grounds?
- The metaphors are from their (Bhats) existing framework
- Needs to be Meaningful & Spontaneous from reading the contents (enlightened, realizing)
- Vaheguru as Gurmantar- Bhai Gurdas Vaar; Gur is separated from Mantra, not one word
- What is Mantra in Gurbani?
- Outside Gurbani
- On the continuum of Jantar, Mantra, Tantar
- Objective: External Change/Effect
- Application: Repetitive Recital/Chanting
- Outside Gurbani
- Inside Gurbani
- Shabad/ Bani Guru
- Objective: Internal/Self change
- Application: Understanding/Applying
- Bani is spiritual advice/mantri inside the Shabad
○ SGGS 576, 562, 864, 1208, 274
- What is Jup?
- Bani Titled Jup (With aunkard- makes it a process)
- Defined in 38 Paurees, two saloks, 2600 words, 7 pages
- Process: Listening, Believing, Accepting, Internalizing, Walking, Living & Knowing
- Naam- attributes, virtues (Godly)
- Jup/Jaap- know/understand
- Simran is a function of the mind when it has accepted the Bani, repetitive chanting is not
- Simran is remembrance of Godly virtues with a view to realizing God (mind process)
- What is Mool Mantra in Gurbani?
- Literal: Starting, beginning, initial, commencing, root
- Gurbani: God/Creator
- SGGS 281
- Mool + Mantar = The root message (of Sikhi)/basic philosophy relating to the Foundational Virtues of God as contained within the Guru Shabad
- Define Usage: Meant for knowing, meant as a foundation, meant as an anchor of Godly virtues in the Sikh mind
- Root upon which the tree of Sikhi grows
- Foundation upon which Sikh spirituality is built
- Thought process: God is defined in Virtues (Naam)
- Sikhi is to know, understand, discourse, appreciate these virtues (Jup/Jaap)
- A Sikh is mindful of these virtues at all times (Simran)
- Sikhi is to LIVE and BECOME these virtues
- Sikhi is Unique/ Living Sikhi is to Live Uniquely
- Jup Bani Translation
- EK
- Central to Sikhi
- Numeral ONE- SGGS only scripture to start with a numeral
- Numeral can only have one meaning
- ONE Creator
- ONEness of humanity
- Becoming ONE
- EK
○ SGGS 679, 289, 646, 1381,134
- One Akaal Purakh
- One Bani
- One Guru
- One Shabad
- Ek Oangkar
- Begins with a Graphic representation
- Followed by 7 descriptions
- There is no duality or trinity operating alone in Sikhi (ONE Creative Force that joins them)
- When there is two/duality it refers to what is happening in creation
- Ek + Oang + Kar
- Generator + Operator + Destroyer = GOD (Christian/Islamic/Vedic)
- 3 layers in Oang (Ordain, Sustain, Destroy = Creation) all 3 joined by ONE (Huna: Hiolani)
- Kaar- repeated presence; Omnipresence; Omnipotent
- ONE Creator Omnipresent/Pervading in His Creation
- Sat Naam
- God does not have a proper name, so all names are acceptable; proper names are man-made
- Naam: One with Virtue/Standing
- God has many facets
- Sat: Sanskrit origin (Satya) converted to Punjabi (add Sihari)
- Sat: (sihari)- In Existence/Reality/Permanent
- The One God who is in One Existence
- First (Beginning), Primary Virtue/Standing is that He, the One God, is in One Existence
- If we don’t accept that God exists, everything following is meaningless/in vain
- Karta Purakh
- Creator Being
- He is to be found in his creation (every atom/quantum particle) SGGS 1427
- Builds the elements that create matter and permeates his creation
- God and His creation are the same SGGS 11,13,83
- We don’t worship creation, we respect creation
- Nirbhau
- Nir (Without) + Bhau (Fear) (Kanna: line of Fear and Love is thin)
- Journey of spirituality to be without fear
- Why: There is no other than Him (No second entity to fear)
- Walk the path of a fearless God SGGS 293
- Do not give fear SGGS 1427
- Nirvair
- Nir (without) + Vair (hate/enmity)
- Compassionate towards all SGGS 302
- Sun ray falls equally
- Akaal Moorat
- A + Kaal (Time, Space; death), timeless, formless, spaceless
- Moorat SGGS 864 Focus/Contemplation
- Take the message that is within the Shabad of Guru, accept it within the inner recesses, the formless Guru will come to reside in your mental focus/contemplation
- Ajooni
- A + Juni
- The One God does not take birth/physical form
- Saibhung
- Self + Create; bhu- earth
- One God is Self-Created SGGS 463
- The depictions of God’s virtues ends at Saibhang
- Gurprasad
- How to Realize these virtues?
- Prasaad: (Persian): Blessings, Grace
- Gurprasad: through the blessings of the Guru
- The One God is Realized through the blessings and grace of the Guru
- Guru= Shabad
- Shabad Blessings is the wisdom contained and getting the Understanding/Realization/ Knowing/Enlightenment/Becoming
- The One God of Sikhi
- The One Omnipresent God who is in Existence, who is the Creator Being, Fearless and Without Enmity, Timeless and Formless, Does not take physical form, Who is Self-created, is Realized through the Enlightenment (Becoming) of the Shabad.
- Jup
- With Aunkar- noun
- With Sihari- verb
- Outside of SGGS- means to chant by repetition
- SGGS- Bani Titled Jup
- Defined in 38 Paurees, two saloks, 2600 words, 7 pages
- Jup Bani is a process for realizing the Creator
- Preamble: Realize these virtues of the Creator
- Title: Realization of the Creator Within; (Process given by Guru Nanak)
- Pauree =Steps
- Hearing vs Listening
Aad Sach Jugaad Sach. Hai Bhi Sach. Nanak Hosee Bhi Sach II 1 II
- Aad (sihari)- conception, beginning
- Sach- Akaal Purakh, Creator
- Jugaad- Following Aad, following conception
- Hai Bhee – Here and now
- Hosee- Throughout existence
- These concepts (time) are applicable to the Human; cannot be applied to God b/c no beginning to God. Anything that has a beginning has an end.
- Creation has a beginning; Creator is independent of His Creation
- For Whom Jup ji is written? You and me
- No need to search outside/externally for the Creator, SGGS 684
- Guru Nanak’s Realization is Within
- Rabia Basri Story: Lost needle in the dark kitchen, looking for it outside(bright); mind is dark, we avoid ourselves/introspection
- We have darkness within us, unable to understand SGGS 647
- Preamble: is about the Creator
- First Salok: The Creator is within me
- First Salok is about me, principle of spirituality for the Sikh, seeking God within me
- First Pauree: Guru Nanak tells the Sikh, seeking to Realize the Creator externally will not work
- Two Types of Cleansing in Vedic Thought
- Water Based Rituals – Cleansing of Self bathing, places of pilgrimages, holy rivers
- Mantra Based Rituals – cleansing of locations, Chauka
- Guru Nanak critiques these practices in First Pauree
- Pre 1469 Spirituality/Vedic
- Ideology- was considered highest; debates, reading Vedas (Sehes)
- Penance- heat/pain, chanting, offering Love/commitment to God Jup/Tup
- Ritual- cleanse/purify (Soch)
- Presupposes: God is external
- Realization was not taking place; they were not getting anywhere/making spiritual progress with these rituals
- What was the solution according to Guru Nanak?
- Become Sachiara- Realize God Within (Huna Assumption: Law of Correspondence)
- Core Question: Kiv Sachiara Hoeyey Kiv Kooray Tootay Paal
- Kiv- How then will He be Realized within?
- Versions of Hukam found in SGGS
- Hukam (aunkard)- The Hukum of the Creator
- Hukam (sihari)- within the confines of Hukum
- Hukhmi – The Creator
- Hukme- Realization of the Hukum
- Hukam (Plural) – Hakumat- Political power
- Hukam is within us (Huna assumption: The Call)
- Implications of Hukam
- Hukam exists
- Hukam exists within Creation
- Hukam is the driving force within Creation
- The Creator is within us in the form of Hukam
- The Creator is within Creation
- Realization of Hukam is the Realization of the Creator
- Questions
- Does the Creator Violate his own Hukam? SGGS 144, 145
- Hukam is as permanent as the Creator; Creator does not and Guru does not violate Hukam
- Is the Creator subject to His own Hukam? (answered in Pauree 3)
- Creator operates above his Hukam
- Creation is created within Hukam, Hukam operating within confines of human intellect
- Spirituality is maintained by operating within Hukam, we have choices
- Hukam (Huna Assumption: Cause and Effect)
- Existing Pillars in Religions
- Spirituality of Fear
- Spirituality of Asking
- Spirituality on Behalf of
- Spirituality of life after death
- Spirituality of Ritual
- Spirituality of Miracles
- New Pillars according to Guru Nanak
- Spirituality of Anand/Joy
- Spirituality of Contentment
- Spirituality of Self for Self
- Spirituality of Here and Now
- Spirituality of Enlightenment
- Spirituality of Hukam (Consequences of our actions)
Salok Translation: The Creator is within me from my Aad (conception). He is within me since conception, following conception. He is within me here and now. Nanak he is within me throughout my existence II1II
Pauree 1:
Sochey Soch Na Hovayee Jey Sochee Lakh Vaar II
Sochey-Ritualistic cleansing/bathing at places of pilgrimage
Soch- practices/processes of removing dirt from the body will not remove the dirt/impurity of the mind; cleansing/bathing/purification Sukhmani SGGS 265
Na Hovayee- Will not be realized
Jey Sochee (nasal)- if I cleanse myself Lakh Vaar- a hundred times over
Translation: He cannot be realized within me through ritualistic cleansing/ bathing/ purification at (places of pilgrimages) even if I cleanse myself a hundred thousand times
Chupey Chup Na Hovayee Jey Laye Rhaan Liv Taar II
Chupey- the ritual of staying silent/not speaking for periods of time; outer silence Chup – Silence within; inner silence
Na Hovayee- will not be realized Laye Rahaan- I keep my focus
Translation: He cannot be realized within through ritualistic practice of remaining physically silent even if I single mindedly focus on outer silence (outer silence does not equate to inner silence)
Bhukiya Bhukh Na Utree Jey Banna Pureeah Bhaar II
Bhukhiya (non nasal)- Under the influence of desire, greed; nasal pronunciation- hunger (out of context) Na Utree- is not eliminated
Banna (nasal)- tie up (Lit); collect Pureeah- Past, present, future Bhaar- collection
Translation: He cannot be realized within through ritualistic practice of eliminating desire even if I am able to fulfill my past, present, and future desires
Sehes Sianpa Lakh Hohe Ta Ek Na Chale Naal II
Sehes (Lit)- Hundreds, multitudes, high order Sianpa- religious knowledge
Lakh (Lit)- hundred thousands, bountiful Ek Na- none
Challey (Lit); walk, spiritual journey (from I to You) Challey Naal (Lit); walk with; support, assist, enable
Translation: He cannot be realized within through religious knowledge- no matter of how high the order or multitude; such knowledge would not support the spiritual journey of inner liberation
Kiv Sachiara Hoyey Kiv Kooray Tootey Paal II
Kiv- How then
Sachiara- (from the word Sach/Creator-) God Realized Being Hoyey- do we become
Kooray- non-realized within (state); opposite of Sachiara Tootey (Lit)- break, remove, eliminate
Paal (Lit)- Wall, obstacle
Translation: How then can I become a God-Realized Being within; how can I remove the obstacle of my non-realized state (my inner ignorance of Creator)
Hukam Rajayee Chalnaa Nanak Likhiya Naal II 1 II
Hukam (with sihari)- Within the confines of his Hukum Rajayee- The Creator
Chalnaa (Lit): Flow, Abide in Sehej (tranquility/acceptance)
Nanak (no Aungkar)- Nanak giving the message, not writing by him Likhiya Naal- contained within, accounted for within
Translation: The way to Realize the Creator within is to remain within the confines and abide in Sehej (acceptance) of his Hukam, as contained within us
Pauree 2:
Hukmee Hovan Akaar Hukam Na Khayea Jayee II
Hukmee- The Creator Hovan – Come about Akaar – Physical existence Hukam- Will of Creator
Na Kaheya Jayee – Cannot be stated in totality
Translation: My human existence is by His Hukam, even if His entire Hukam cannot be fathomed
Hukmee Hovan Jee Hukam Miley Vadeayee II
Hukmee- The Creator
Hovan- Come about/ is/ exists Jee- Life
Hukam (sihari)- by His Hukam Miley- recieve
Vadeaye- honor
Translation: That I am alive is an honor within the confines of His Hukam
Hukmee Utam Neech Hukam Likh Dukh Sukh Payeaeh II
Hukmee- The Creator
Utam Neech (Lit) – High and Low; good and bad deeds Likh- Lekha- results, outcome, consequences
Dukh Sukh- Joy and sorrow Payeaeh- recieve
Translation: The consequences – joys and sorrows- of my deeds (choices) – good and bad- are within the Creator’s Hukam
Ekna Hukmee Bakhsish Ek Hukmee Sada Bhaveayeah II
Ekna- Some
Hukmee- The Creator
Bakhsheesh- Blessed Ek- Multitudes
Sada Bhaveay- In constant wilderness
Translation: The Creator blesses some with realization within; while multitudes remain astray in constant search externally
Hukmey Andur Sabh Ko Bahur Hukam Na Koye II
Hukmey- Realization of the Hukam
Hukhmey Andur- Realization of the Creator Within Sabh Ko- All
Bahar- Outside
Hukam (no aungkar) – Jurisdiction/power
Translation: The Creator is realized within for all, none can realize Him outside His jurisdiction (within us)
Nanak Hukmey Jey Bujhey Ta Haumai Kahey Na Koye II 2 II
Nanak (w/o aungkar)- Nanak’s view (comma/pause) Hukmey Jey Bujhey- Realizes the Creator within Haumai- ego (Lit); that I exist
Kahey Na Koey- ceases to exist
Translation: Nanak, upon realizing the Creator within, realization that I exist outside of His Hukam ceases to exist II2II
Pauree 3:
Gavai Ko Taan Hovai Kissey Taan II
Gavai- Sing (Lit); perceive the Creators Hukam as Ko & Kissey- multitudes (Koee)
Taan- Power, strength, Force Hovey- existence
Translation: Multitudes of spiritual seekers perceive the Creator’s Hukam as their force of existence/life
Gavai Ko Daat Janei Nesaan II
Gavai- Sing (Lit); percieve the Creator’s Hukam as Ko – multitudes
Daat (sihari)- within gifts Janei- Conceive, Recognize Nesaan- sign (Lit); indicators
Translation: Multitudes conceive the Creator’s gifts as indicators of his Hukam
Gavai- Sing (Lit); Perceive the Creator’s Hukam as Ko- multitudes
Gunn- Virtues
Vadeayeea- Immense (Vadda)
Char (mukht) plural feminine; beauty
Char (aungkar) beauty, singular masculine Char (sihari) – Four
Chaar- (In this context) beauty, feminine
Translation: Multitudes perceive the Creator’s Hukam as virtues of His immense beauty
Gavai Ko Vidiya Vikhum Vichaar II
Gavai- Sing (Lit); Perceive the Creator’s Hukam as Ko- multitudes
Vidiya- education (Lit); knowing, enlightenment Vikhum- difficult (Lit); beyond human intellect Vichaar- discourse
Translation: Multitudes perceive enlightenment as the Creator’s Hukam; knowing Him to be beyond discourse
Gavai Ko Saaj Karey Tunn Kheh II
Gavai- Sing (Lit); perceive the Creator’s Hukam as Ko- Multitudes
Saaj- Create
Karey- force behind an action Tunn- body (Lit); physical beings
Kheh – ashes (Lit); destructs (idiom)
Translation: Multitudes perceive the Creator’s Hukam as the force behind physical creation and its destruction
Gavai Ko Jee Ley Fir Deh II
Gavai- Sing (Lit); perceive the Creator’s Hukam as Ko-multitudes
Jee- Life Ley- Take Fir- After Deh- Giving
Fir Deh- After Giving
Translation: Multitudes perceive the Creator’s Hukam as the taking of life after having given it
Gavai- Sing (Lit); Perceive the Creator’s Hukam as Ko- Multitudes
Japey- realize
Dissey- seen (Lit); knowing Duur- far (Lit); beyond reach
Translation: Multitudes perceive the Creator’s Hukam as realization that He is beyond reach
Gavai Ko Vekhey Hadraa Hadoor II
Gavai- Sing (Lit); Percieve the Creator’s Hukam as Ko- Multitudes
Vekhey- Knowing; realize Hadraa Hadoor- Omnipresent
Translation: Multitudes perceive the Creator’s Hukam as realization that He is Omnipresent
Kathna Kathee Na Avey Tot II
Kathna- narration Kathee- to narrate
Na Avey Tot- not short of (Lit); unlimited
Translation: The narratives of the perceptions of the Creator’s Hukam are unlimited (Hukam is also unlimited)
Kath Kath Kathee Kotee Kot Kot II
Kath Kath- repeated narratives Kathee- Narrated
Kotee- 0.1 million(Lit); uncountable Kot Kot- In uncountable way
Translation: Even if these narratives of the Creator’s Hukam have been narrated in uncountable ways by uncountable seekers with uncountable emphasis
Daenda Dey Laendey Thak Pahe II
Deanda- The Creator in His Hukam Dey- Gives (Lit); to sustain creation
Laendey- receivers of sustenance (Creation) Thak Pahe- tired,weary, exhaust
Translation: The Creator’s Hukam sustains; His creation exhausts in receiving- according to His Hukam
Jugaan Jugantar Khahee Khahey II
Jugann- Ages
Jugantar- Multitude of ages
Khahee- consumed (Lit); sustenance
Khahee Khahey- continued/unhindered sustenance
Translation: This sustenance by virtue of the Creator’s Hukam has continued for periods unhindered
Hukmi Hukam Chalaye Rah II
Hukmi- The Creator
Hukam (aungkar)- Hukam of the Creator
Chalaye- drive (Lit); in His Hukam; is the force within Rah- direction (Lit); creation
Translation: The Creator’s Hukam is the force within His creation
Nanak Vigsey Veyparvah II 3 II
Nanak- Nanak’s assertion
Vigsey- goes about (Lit); operates Veparvah- without care (Lit); regardless
Translation: Nanak, the Creator Himself operates above His own Hukam II3II
Pauree 4:
Sacha Sahib Sach Naye Bhakhiya Bhau Apaar II
Sacha- In existence Sahib- Master, Creator Sach- In existence
Naye- from Niyem- Order, Law- Hukam Bhakhiya- language (Lit); command Bhau- Love
Apaar- Limitless
Translation: The Creator’s Hukam is in (permanent) existence as is the Creator Himself; he commands His Creation through unlimited care and love
Akhey Mangey Deh Deh Daat Kare Dataar II
Akhey Mangey- Ask and Request Deh Deh- Give (Lit); endless giving Daat- gift (Lit)
Karey- gives
Dataar- the Giver; Creator
Translation: Within such Hukam and immense love, the Creator gives endlessly, the gifts of sustenance to His creation
Faer Ke Agey Rakheay Jitt Dissey Darbar II
Faer Ke- What then
Agey- ahead (Lit), before; Objective
Rakheay- place, keep, offer (Lit); Set, Determine
Jitt Dissey- by virtue of which knowing/realization takes place Darbar- the Creator’s Court (Lit); His Hukam
Translation: What then should I determine as my spiritual objective by virtue of which realization of His Hukam can happen
Muhon Ke Bolen Boliay Jitt Sunn Dhare Pyaar II
Muhon- from the mouth (Lit); utter Ke Bolan- what utterances (Lit) Boleiay- speak
Jitt Sunn (with sihari)- by listening of which
Dhare Pyaar- love me (Lit); bring about realization of the Creator
Translation: What discourse should I undertake, in my spiritual journey; by virtue of which loving realization of His Hukam can happen
Amrit Vela Sach Nao Vadeayee Vichar II
Amrit- Mrit (death) A (no) + Mrit (death)- immortality; Gurbani, Naam, Shabad
Vela- Time (Lit) definition/creation of time/descriptive (no fixed time); Human lifetime Sach- in existence
Nao- from Niyem- Hukam Vadeayee- immense from Vadda Vichar- discourse
Translation: The spiritual objective is to make my life (vela) imbued with Shabad (Amrit) which is a internalization (Vichar) of Virtues of the One Creator who is in existence (Sach), is the Hukmee (Nao) and is above all (Vadayee)
Karmee Avey Kapraa Nadree Mokh Duar II
Karmee- Grace Giver, Creator Avey- obtained (Lit); is realized
Kapraa- cloth (Lit); diligence (Sift Saram Ka Kapra) Nadree- Grace
Mokh- freedom from bondage (Lit), liberation Duar- Door (Lit); way
Mokh Duar- Godly Realization within
Translation: The way to realization of the Creator within is through diligence towards obtaining His Grace
Nanak Evey Janeay Sabh Apey Sachiar II 4 II
Nanak- Says Nanak
Evey- as above (inc previous paurees) Janeay- Realization
Sabh- All, every
Apey- Self, within the Self Sachiar – Godly virtue imbued
Translation: Nanak, the above then is the way towards the Creator’s realization within our self by becoming Godly virtues imbued II4II
Pauree 5:
Thapeya Na Jaye Keeta Na Hoye II
Thapeya- Conceived, Created, installed Nan Jaye- Cannot be
Keeta Na Hoey- Operated
Translation: His Hukam cannot be created and operated by His Creation
Apey Aap Niranjan Soey II
Apey- Of His Own Aap- Self
Niranjan Soey- Unblemished by Creation
Translation: His Hukam is created and operated by Him and it remains unblemished by Creation
Jin Seyweya Tinn Payea Maan II
Jin- who
Seyweya- Internalized Tinn- He
Payea- receives, attains Maan- Honor
Translation: The honor of spirituality is attained by those who internalize the Hukam
Nanak Gaveay Gunee Nidhan II
Gaveay- Sing (Lit) (process); accept Gunee- virtues
Nidhan- Unlimited
Translation: Nanak, to internalize the Hukam is to accept His unlimited virtues
Gaveay Suneay Munn Rakheay Bhao II
Gaveay- Sing (Lit); Accept
Suneay- Listen (Lit); take in, adopt Munn- mind
Rakheay- keep, instill Bhao- Love
Translation: Internalize the Hukam by accepting, adopting and instilling love for Hukam in the mind
Dukh Parhar Sukh Ghar Lae Jaye II
Dukh- spiritual agony Parhar- dissipate Sukh- spiritual bliss Ghar- mind
Lae Jaye- comes to reside
Translation: By internalizing the Hukam, spiritual agony dissipates and spiritual bliss comes to reside within the mind
Gurmukh Nadang Gurmukh Vedang Gurmukh Raheya Samayee II
Gurmukh (sihari)- from the Guru’s mind (Lit); Shabad Nadang- sound (Lit); narrative
Vedang- knowledge (Lit); enlightenment
Raheya Samayee- resides (Lit); resides, immersed, contained within
Translation: The Shabad contains within it the narrative and the enlightenment of Hukam
Gur Esar Gur Gorakh Brahma Gur Parbatee Mayee II
Gur- essence
Esar- Shivji (Lit); destruction
Gorakh- creator of yogi knowledge; for Sikhs in this context: knowledge, enlightenment Brahma- (Lit); creation
Parbatee Mayee- mother; sustainer
Translation: The Shabad contains within it the essence and enlightenment of Hukam relating to creation, destruction, and sustenance
Jay Hao Jana Akhan Nahee Kehna Kathan Na Jayee II
Jay Hao Jana- If I realize Akhan Nahee- Beyond Saying Kehna- Telling
Kathan- Narrating Na Jayee- Unable
Translation: The essence of Hukam can be realized, but is beyond narrating
Gura Ek Deh Bujhayee II
Gura- O Guru; Shabad
Ek (fem no aungkar)- one, subject is feminine Deh- give, provide
Bujhayee- understanding; realization
Translation: The Shabad provides one (the student) the realization Sabhna Jeea Ka Ek Daata So Mein Viser Na Jayee II 5 II Sabhna Jeea- All of Creation
Ka- Of
Ek Daata- One Giver (Lit), Sustainer; Hukam So- That
Mein- Me, myself, I
Viser Na Jayee- separate,Forget not (Lit); exempt, dismiss
Translation: The realization that there is One Hukam for all of creation and I am not exempt II5II
Pauree 6:
Teerath Navah Jay Tes Bhavan Vinn Bhannet Ke Nhaye Karee II
Teerath (sihari)- Within/ at the place of pilgrimage Navah- Bathe, cleanse
Jay- If or When Tes- His (Hukmee)
Bhavan- Accepted within the confines of Hukam Vinn- Sans, without, outside
Bhanney- Within the domains of Hukam Kay- Why
Nhaye- Cleanse, Wash, Bathe Karee- Do, Undertake
Translation: Why undertake the Spirituality of Cleansing at Teeraths when it is not within the domain of His Hukam
Jaytee Sireth Upayee Vekha Vinn Karma Kay Miley Layee II
Jaytee- As much as, entire Sireth- World; spiritual world Upayee- Created; exists Vekhan- See; Realize
Vinn Karma- Sans Blessings Kay- Anything
Miley Layee- Obtain; Realize
Translation: In the entire spiritual world nothing can be realized without the blessing of Enlightenment of your Hukam
Mutt Vich Ratunn Javahar Manik Jay Ek Gur Kee Sikh Sunee II
Mutt (sihari)- Mind; Spirituality (where exercised) Vich- Within; Internalize
Ratunn Jawahar Manik- Rubies, diamonds, Pearls (Lit); Priceless; Godly Virtues Jey- If, when
Ek Sikh- This One Message Gur Kee- Of the Guru Sunee- Internalized
Translation: The internalization of this One priceless message of my Guru makes my spirituality Godly virtue based (context for next verse)
Gura Ek Deh Bujhayee II
Gura- O Guru
Ek (no aungkar, feminine): One; the Sikh Deh Bujhayee: Provide Realization
Translation: The Realization that is provided by the Shabad Sabhna Jeea Ka Ek Daata So Mein Viser Na Jayee II 6 II Sabhna Jeea- All of Creation
Ka – Of
Ek Daata- One Giver, Sustainer (Lit); Hukam So: That
Mein: Me, myself, I
Viser Na Jayee- Forget not (Lit); exempt
*Hukam for Creation is to accept Hukam, cleanse our minds and internalize the Shabad & Naam Translation: The realization that there is One Hukam for all of creation; and I am not exempt II6II
Pauree 7:
Jay Jug Charey Aarja Hor Dasunee Hoey II
Jay- If
Jug Charey- Four ages (mental states) (Lit); Extended Aarja- Age
Hoe- Even More (extended) Dasunee- Ten times
Hoey- Become
*Human desires vs. Godly Virtues motivating daily living
Translation: If one extends one’s age to the Four Yugs (periods) and ten times more
Navaan Khandan Vich Janeay Naal Chaley Sabh Koey II
Navaan Khandaan- Nine Continents (Lit); far and wide Jaaneeay- Known; famous
Naal Challey- Followers Sabh Koey- Everyone
*Living in Human Ego vs. Godly Virtues
Translation: If one gains fame far and wide and makes followers of everyone
Changa Nao Rakhaye Kay Juss Keerat Jugg Laye II
Changa Nao- good name, reputation Rakhaye Kay- establishes
Juss Keerat- praises Jugg- Spiritual world Laye- obtains; earns
*Living in Human Ego vs. Godly Virtues
Translation: If one establishes a reputation for one’s self and earns praise within the spiritual world
Jay Tiss Nadar Na Aavayee Ta Vaat Na Puchey Kay II
Jay- If
Tiss- His; Creator’s
Nadar- Grace; Blessings; Enlightenment Na Aavayee- does not come
Vaat Na Puchey Key- worthless (idiomatic)
Translation: Without the blessing of enlightenment of your Hukam I am worthless spiritually
Keeta Andar Keet Kar Dosee Dose Dharey II
Keeta Andar Keet- Worm amongst worms, lowly (Lit); worthless Kar Dosee- made guilty
Dos Dharey- blemished
Translation: In anti-hukam practices, I stand guilty of blemishing my spirituality as worthless
Nanak Nirgun Gunn Karey Gunvantean Gunn Dey II
Nirgun- Sans virtues
Gunn Karey- makes virtue Gurvanteya- virtue filled spirituality Gunn Dey- provides virtues as source
Translation: Nanak, realization of Hukam creates virtue filled spirituality as you are the source of all Virtues
Teha Koey Na Sujhayee Jay Tiss Gunn Koey Karey II 7 II
Teha Koey Na- No such equivalent entity Sujhayee- Know; fathom
Jay Tiss- That (virtueless spirituality) Gunn- Virtues
Koey Karey- One who does (such)
Translation: I can fathom no equal entity as the source of all Virtues whose Realization of Hukam creates Virtue-filled spirituality II7II
Pauree 8: