Sat Sri Akal
Your web site is so fantastic to Sikhi. I lear a lot from this site and only this site.
Please simplify your Webb, moving around it is not intuitive, quite hard really.
The knowledge I get from this web site is worth all the trouble in the world.
Please think about simplifying your Webb for an excellent feel combined with the amazing analysis of Sikhism.
Just my two cents ( and I kind of know something about this)
Sat Sri Akal
Your web site is so fantastic to Sikhi. I lear a lot from this site and only this site.
Please simplify your Webb, moving around it is not intuitive, quite hard really.
The knowledge I get from this web site is worth all the trouble in the world.
Please think about simplifying your Webb for an excellent feel combined with the amazing analysis of Sikhism.
Just my two cents ( and I kind of know something about this)